After taking drastic (and highly publicized) measures to sustain Terry Schiavo in her vegetative state (against the wishes of her spouse) it seems that Bush may not be so supportive of his own "culture of life".
About two weeks before schiavo's feeding tube was removed, a 9 month old baby boy was removed from life support (against the will of his parents) because the family could not afford the care, all made possible by Bush's bill.
That seems to me as a large hypocrisy, and the act is a DIRECT contradiction to this so called culture of life. I guess oyu only have the right to live if you can pay the bills.
After taking drastic (and highly publicized) measures to sustain Terry Schiavo in her vegetative state (against the wishes of her spouse) it seems that Bush may not be so supportive of his own "culture of life".
In 1999, then-Gov. Bush signed the Advance Directives Act, which lets a patient's surrogate make life-ending decisions on his or her behalf. The measure also allows Texas hospitals to disconnect patients from life-sustaining systems if a physician, in consultation with a hospital bioethics committee, concludes that the patient's condition is hopeless.
About two weeks before schiavo's feeding tube was removed, a 9 month old baby boy was removed from life support (against the will of his parents) because the family could not afford the care, all made possible by Bush's bill.
That seems to me as a large hypocrisy, and the act is a DIRECT contradiction to this so called culture of life. I guess oyu only have the right to live if you can pay the bills.