the secret files: tunguska - new adventure game being made.


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
so, i searched and didn't find a thread about this game.

game details:
This point-and-click adventure game follows the adventures of a character named Nina who's searching for her father, who disappeared after a research expedition to the Tunguska region of Siberia, where a meteor or comet strike destroyed a huge swath of land in 1908. After teaming up with Max Gruber, a colleague of her father's, Nina travels around the world in an attempt to track down her father, as well as discover the truth behind what occured in Tunguska.

Nina's quest for the truth will entail interacting with her environment, picking up inventory items, and finding out where to use them, as well as speaking with numerous NPC characters. Graphically speaking, Secret Files looks pretty sharp at this point, with some gorgeous prerendered backgrounds for you to explore and search.

Secret Files: Tunguska is set for release in August of 2006. Stay tuned to GameSpot for more details on the game as they become available.





is that ingame ?! hot damn it looks good (i <3 these 'uber detailed' games).

the gui looks interesting, reminds me a tiny bit of the old scumm games; that being a horizontal bar at the bottom.

anywho, gamespot says august should be the release date, but we'll see.

oh yeah, gametrailers [ ] has some trailers/teasers but i haven't watched any yet, i'm hoping there will be some gameplay in some of them.

some other links:
homepage -
interview with developers:
another [good] interview:
do we see nina with her clothes off?
gh0st said:
do we see nina with her clothes off?
Try getting creative with that duct tape in your inventory.
gh0st said:
do we see nina with her clothes off?
off-topic was created for people like you, go there.

i watched the trailers/teaser, while there was no gameplay, it looked awesome/interesting.

make sure to read the interviews.

In those parts where Nina and Max play together you can switch between the two characters at any time you like. Some places can only be visited by Max, others only by Nina. E.g.: Nina has to find two items, combine them and then hand them over to Max. He adds a third item and returns the modified item back to Nina, who then uses it to solve a certain puzzle.

also, some small previews of some of the music which will be in the game:
Hey, that looks really interesting. But I wish it was a FPS. :)
I have been watching this one for months and months now because the art direction looks amazing and I am a huge fan of traditional point and click adventures, as most of you already know, especially ones with a really engaging story, like this one. I am terribly excited for this and a whole lot more adventures coming out later this year and early next--this is just the tip of the iceberg!

For more screenies and info about this and other great adventure titles coming our way soon, check out here.

Nice to see some folks around here that still like adventures. I was going to make a bunch of threads on the various adventures titles that look amazing of late, but figured no one here would really care. ;(
VictimOfScience said:
Nice to see some folks around here that still like adventures. I was going to make a bunch of threads on the various adventures titles that look amazing of late, but figured no one here would really care. ;(
adventure games are probably my most favourite genre, thanks to monkey island.

there's probably a few adventure fans here, but most ppl are just new-age fps/graphic whores. :(

oh yeah, i'm so starting a fan site for this game soon, i might encompass some other upcoming adventure games too, but i don't know yet.. ^_____^

i know some upcoming/recently released adventure games, but what ones are you watching ?
So this is kinda like myst's style of gameplay?
well this game looks good, but i can tell you already it is going to be lame. The puzzles are going to be far to easy...

I mean look, she has duct tape, it fixes ANYTHING!
Yessss, more Poser ripped female lead characters! Suh-weetah!

MI3 was the last good adventure game I've played. Broken Sword should just cut the 3D and go back to the old style and I'd be happy.
I will take any P&C adventure game that i can get.

Is that Al Emmo game out? i've seen a review in Just Adventure.
destrukt said:
adventure games are probably my most favourite genre, thanks to monkey island.

there's probably a few adventure fans here, but most ppl are just new-age fps/graphic whores. :(

oh yeah, i'm so starting a fan site for this game soon, i might encompass some other upcoming adventure games too, but i don't know yet.. ^_____^

i know some upcoming/recently released adventure games, but what ones are you watching ?
Whadda you mean?

Indigo Prophecy was AWESOME.
Fliko said:
Whadda you mean?

Indigo Prophecy was AWESOME.
You've lost me, which part are you referring to when you say 'Whadda you mean?' ?

TCfromBN said:
So this is kinda like myst's style of gameplay?
well, yes, but it's just a normal 'point and click' with an inventory like monkey island and other games and myst is basically the same as those, just a bit different.
Fliko said:
Whadda you mean?

Indigo Prophecy was AWESOME.

Up until 75% part of the game, then it went complete 180 degrees and turned into shit. I really don't know how they could drop the ball like that, I mean damn did they all suffer amnesia or something?
destrukt said:
i know some upcoming/recently released adventure games, but what ones are you watching ?
Besides this one, I am really watching Runaway 2, Reprobates (guys who made Black Mirror/NiBiRu), HCA: The Ugly Duckling Prince, A Vampyre Story, Experience 112, Dead Reefs, Juniper Crescent: The Sapphire Claw, The City of Metronome, Sinking Island, Sam and Max: Season 1, Evil Days of Luckless John, Dead Mountaineer's Hotel, Tony Tough: A Rake's Progress...

Man, there are a lot of adventures to look forward to this year and next! And with the success of Pirates of the Caribbean, Lucasarts might just sit up and take notice of their license chock full of supernatural pirate goodness! Ugh, but it would have to be done right this time--I had little stomach for EMI...;(

Here's where you can get some quick scoop on all of these.

Tamer17 said:
I will take any P&C adventure game that i can get.

Is that Al Emmo game out? i've seen a review in Just Adventure.
Just the demo afaik. Its pretty sweet though. Try it!!