The secret of the creative vaccum


Nov 8, 2003
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Ive scanned extracts from a fantastic book which covers a range of subject material , objectively studying our reality and our endevours as man progresses.

most importantly it explains in the best clarity achieveable, what Vaccum energy is in its present understanding, and how it has the most profound effect on what is, and always has been our macroscopic universe which we percieve.

If you dont understand , and always wanted it explained properly It is a great read, Ive also included extract's, that give insight into a new level of comprehension of our reality, mostly in the new science's, although if you read the entirity of the book , it becomes obvious science is only one external facet of understanding, which is limited and can only provide external effectual answers, never answering the fundamental questions of existance, but none the less useful in a material sense.

The Beifield brown effect, and how to convert vaccum potential into usable electromagnetic energy are both included, Theory to some , practicality to others who have achieved the unimagineable, and played with things that are barely understood.

What is the zero point of the vaccum?

Flatlanders and the Inner life Dimension

The speed of light

Free energy and the real space age: Thomas Townsend Brown

Making the most of your potential (vaccum energy conversion)
This looks like a good read, thanks.
::Saves em before the thread is deleted for scans::
if they do get deleted, you can go visit the host site..

The book was published a while back, + I own it, and doubt the Author visits these forums. + he doesnt sound like the kind of person who would care, aslong as the info is spread around with educational purpose.
very interesting stuff and thanks for posting it. I always enjoy a thought-provoking article.

P.S. Why haven't scientists capitalized on Thomas Brown's idea to make such technology for transportation or maybe some industry?
because there's a requirement to keep the status Quo , modern society is built not on the principles of the betterment of the human race, but on the sustainable lively hoods of the few, the elite. Which is why we are currently not progressing as fast as we could. People are holding us back, for selfish gain.

its happened for hundreds of years, but eventually, despite the hold back, history dictates that it will ease and or possibly jump forward into a new era,.
clarky003 said:
because there's a requirement to keep the status Quo , modern society is built not on the principles of the betterment of the human race, but on the sustainable lively hoods of the few, the elite. Which is why we are currently not progressing as fast as we could. People are holding us back, for selfish gain.

its happened for hundreds of years, but eventually, despite the hold back, history dictates that it will ease and or possibly jump forward into a new era,.

I heard scientists have already invented better (more powerful, efficient, and environmentally friendly) fuels than petroleum. Yet they're not being put to use because that would destroy the colossal oil business. Do you know if this is true?
if it means sustaining the premier energy corporations/ buisness people, who literally leach off of our present need for energy, and the thousands of Scientist's who's proffession's stability lie's in existing 'laws' and recognised material. Then yes it most likely is true.. unfortunately our human weakness gets in the way of our potential, so much so .. to coin the phraise " every man for himself " is very much accurate in today's world.. although it seems that we are manipulated into what the facts are about our reality to try and sustain society as it was built, its obvious that people wont take it much longer, pollution, conjestion, oil wars.. something has to give. When that happens a new era of technologies will flood in... and offer the energy options to those who dont wish to exploit there fellow man, and would rather work harmoniously to betterment of the entire race, people who dont think that way need to rethink and apply concious effort to see past the material that dominates there lives, for it is striving for material gain for egoic purposes that is our greatest weakness, realising how unimportant it is to living a forfilling life needs to be more readily recognised.