The secret world


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score

Sounds interesting.
EDIT: awesome concept art

Looks sexy.

I agree with the YouTube commenter. I have no idea what it is.
I did. It didn't satisfy. It looks like a game I'd have to demo to even consider buying.
Yea, I agree..I debated with myself if there is even enough info to bother making a thread about it. But it sounds like it could have some potential...finally someone is at least trying to do something with MMOs other than just grindfests. There is so much untapped potential in the MMO genre its ridiculous things have gone this far with few games straying away from the same old tired bullshit.
I wrote a Secret World fanfic.

The secret world: Even secreter worlds

Tatood man who was brother of tatood gurl was sitting in office typing in a computer. He got an email from his sister that said that ainchunt mythical aliens and gimps were attacking her place and aksed him for help so he went.

Tatood man got his computer shut down and made a proteen shake in a blender. After the proteen shake to give him enegy he wet on the platform to go up to the roof to where he left his motorcycle and normal people close because he was in his shoulderless shirt and oldfashoned headphons. Tatood man got on his motorcycl and said "it's time to live up to my family name and face [strike]full life consequences[/strike] even secreter worlds" so he had to go.

Tatood man ramped off the building and did a backflip and landed. He kept driving down the road and made sure there was no gimps around because he ddint have weapon.

The modern day real world were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for tatood mans quest to help his sister where she was. Tatood man looked around the modern day real worlds and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my sister to defeat the enemys".

Tatood man was late so he had to drive really fast. A cop car was hiden near by so when Tatood man went by the cops came and wanted to give him a ticket. Here Tatood man saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had a gimp masks.

"I cant give you my lisense officer" Tatood man said

"Why not?" said the gimp oficer back to Tatood man.

"Because you are gimp zombie" so Tatood man shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking "my sister is in trouble there" and went faster.

Tatood man had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Tatood girl needed him where he was. Tatood man looked at road signs and saw "THE SECERT WORLD" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so Tatood man almost turned around but heard screaming like sister so he went faster again.

Tatood man drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike and the motor bike took out some vampries demmons and zombies infront of Tatood man. Tatood man smiled and walked fast. Tatoodman then looked on the ground and found maggic sword wepon so he pickd it up and fired fast at gimp goasts in front of a house.

Tatood man said "gimp goasts leave this place" and the gimp goasts said "but this is our house" and tatood man felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were gimp goasts so he blew up the house and killed the gimp goasts so they were at piece.

Then Tatood man herd another scream from his sister so he kept walking really faster to get where he was. the secret world was nothing like the modern day real worlds there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from gimps.

When Tatood man got to where the screaming was started from he found his sister tatood girl fightin the final bosss and girl said "brother! Over here!" so Tatood man went there to where Tatood girl was fighting. Tatood man fired his magic fire from teh sword and his hnads really fast and the fires went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see.

Tatood girl said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fell. Tatood man said "thanks i could help, sis" and Tatood girl said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed.

The laughed overed quickly though because Tatood man yelled "LOOK OUT SISTER!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Tatood girl looked up and said "NOO! Tatood man run out of here fast as you can!" and Tatood man walked real fast out.

Tatood man loked back and saw tatood girl get steppd on by the next boss and he was mad and angry.

"I'll get you back evil boss!" Tatood man yelled at the top of lungs and had a smoothie nd shoting fire from his hand

to be continued..?
I've never played an MMO, but I do really like the visual style of this game.
After Age of Conan, I'd be hard pressed to buy anything made by Funcom again.
Maybe they'll release it in better shape than early alpha aka Conan. Don't get your hopes up, though.