The Ship Update Released


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
"Updates to The Ship have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:"[br]

The Ship
  • Fixed a number of server stability issues
  • Weapon fines and sentences balanced
  • Default witness count set to 2
  • Default witness time set to 1 second
  • Scoreboard is no longer showable whilst in court, and no longer gets stuck up when leaving court
  • Hunters who have already killed their quarry no longer get a "Quarry Reassigned" message when their old quarry leaves the game
  • Fixed breaking-down doors
  • Fixed occasional map-wide jumping problem (jump going in random direction)
  • Fixed context sensitive interface (CSI) positioning issues in all aspect ratios
  • Fixed containers getting stuck open when the player using them is killed
  • Fixed container/shop/CSI panels that were left shown to a player when that player dies
  • Fixed attachments not being removed from the player model when they are dropped from the inventory
  • Fixed water dripping from hands on other players
  • Correct water effect for different sized sinks
  • Correct sounds added to the metal pressure doors
  • Pee sounds tweaked
  • Increased the cost of bribing guards to ignore security breaches
  • Increased the cost of healing at sickbay
  • Balanced ambient soundscapes in various maps
  • Players can now click-through the court screen to start serving their sentence immediately
  • Players can now chat with others while in court
  • Players who now set others on fire when they are burning get accredited for the kill correctly

Now that those pee sounds have been "tweaked", The Ship can only get better. Restart your steam client and get to it!
I hope they also fixed the hitboxes, all my headshots weren't registering.
The jumping thing wasnt in a random direction, really. It was due to the whole map moving below the player, making you jump "backwards" (whatever direction backwards is for that map).

Anyway, good to see an update. I hope they put in Friends and support for Linux servers soon, which they say will.
never buy games that are fresh on the pc. it seems you always lose something as far as an experience with the initial bugs
I think I have to actually play the game in order to understand the whole "pee" problem......:)
triple the amount of bugfixes, add 10 new maps, drop the price by $19 and you got a sale.
They really need a free weekend because I don't know whether I'd like this game or not (don't tell me to get the HL1 mod as I'm sure they've drastically improved it or changed things). Also another thing is that I don't know whether there are any Australian servers running it because it's not exactly a mainstream game.....

Any Aussie people with the game? Are there enough servers/people playing?
Urgh, the puns! The terrible puns!

Havn't played it after the update yet.