The ship

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
so there's a weekend deal with 75% off on the ship, I quite liked the game from the free weekend they had a while back, but I'm wondering from anyone that have the game, how's the server population? are people still playing this?

also how the hell does the single-player work?
Pretty sure singleplayer and multiplayer is 2 seperate games.

The player base is stretched, they are desperate to get more players, I get a guest pass every 2 weeks to hand out. It's a fun game, just quickly loses appeal.
Horrible game, it's basically all deathmatch servers.
The servers that actually use the Ship's murder mystery mode lag like hell.
I wasn't even aware that there was regular deathmatch...that does sound awful though.
I only played it twice. Didn't really like it. Then again, I sucked at it.
It is an interesting concept but doesn't have staying power.
Played it when it used to be a free mod. Didn't like it in the least. I guess the fact they have all these sales tells you something, eh?

You can find current player and server counts for all games on Steam on that page. The Ship currently has a little over 200 players and as many servers. I don't really fancy the game that much but it was just updated and you can't go that wrong for $5.
Just got and tried it today. Beat the single-player, tried 1 multiplayer game. I got kicked from the server for killing someone other than my mark because he was blocking a door from opening, trapping me in a bedroom. Single-player really needs a quick-save feature or improved autosaves -- it's annoying having to hunt down guns again if you die.

It's an interesting idea, worth $5, sure. I'm glad to see a non-traditional MP FPS. I'd call the experience more "pleasant" than "fun," though.
It's a cool concept but it gets old quickly and there's not that many people playing. Also the story mode is total ****
Got a guest pass from Hectic Glenn. Thanks again.

I'm not sure about it. I really like the concept in general. It kind of reminds me of TF2 where everyone is a spy. I enjoyed myself a lot at times, but if you get your kill early, it gets kind of boring. The security and jail system is too confusing and abundant, often it just seems random and inconsistent. Overall I like it, not enough to buy it though. I'll play the full guest pass, but I think I'll keep my $5.