The Somme Valley Needs You!

Jan 13, 2004
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Who Are We?

The Somme Valley is a WW1 modification for Half-Life 2, based primarily around The Battle of the Somme, the infamous 1916 campaign launched by British and French troops, to releive pressure on the seige of Verdun. We strive for a mix between realism and playbility.. for example, you won't spend 1/2 of the game digging a trench or hiding from artillery, but if you get shot in the leg, you're going to have trouble walking.

A WW1 mod isn't just "boring, sitting in trenches, dying when you stand up", the war was based around a lot of small unit tactics, perfected by the French troops, who mind you were the only ones who captured their Day 1 objectives on the first day of the Battle of the Somme.

Feel free to visit The Site for more information!


What We Need

We here at The Somme Valley are inching closer and closer to a public beta with each passing day. However, we are still in need of the following talents -

- Character Modeler
- C++ Programmer
- UVW Unwrapper
- Weapon Skinner
- Level Designer
- Texture Artist


We Require

- Being as detailed as possible.
- Working within limits set as the management (map sizes, poly counts, etc.)
- Must Be A Team .Player, & Hard Worker.
- Self-Motivated & Willing To Work.
- An interest in the history, or willingness to learn.


We Offer

- Your Own Web Space (
- Your Own Personal POP3 E-Mail or Re-Direction ([email protected])
- Full Access To All Internal Releases, Present & Future
- Full Credit For All Your Work
- Friendly Working Environment


If you are interested in this position, or any other on our development team, please head to our Staff Apply page. Be prepared to show previous examples of your work, so as we know your work is of sound quality.


Contact Us

Web Site:
IRC: #somme @
E-Mail: [email protected]
Also theres a channel on quakenet to! :thumbs: #somme