The Sopranos Season Finale...Tonight!


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
So, who's watching it tonight? I sure am. :bounce:


What are your thoughts and opinions on this season? The best season so far?
What do you think will happen tonight? Who will sleep with the fishes?

BTW: There will be one last season, but the wait is long...2006.
thats great.....i don't care....even if i did i couldn't watch it because i don't have cable anymore
[Matt] said:
never been a sopranos fan
Well, you should at least try to become one. It's one of the best HBO series ever.
*The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Season are all on check 'em out.
gah, Season 5 hasn't even started over here. I have Season 1, 2 and 4 on DVD.
Been watching it religiously ever since it came out on HBO, thats the main reason i got HBO in the first place. Yeah cant wait to watch it today, last episode Adrianna got whacked :\
Tork said:
Been watching it religiously ever since it came out on HBO, thats the main reason i got HBO in the first place. Yeah cant wait to watch it today, last episode Adrianna got whacked :\

omg, I can't believe you told me that!!!!!

Spoilers next time please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111
:( my bad I should have made the spoiler tag, next time i promise :)
The Sopranos is awsome best ever.
Tork said:
Been watching it religiously ever since it came out on HBO, thats the main reason i got HBO in the first place.
Yeah, same here.
I can't watch it. It's on at 02:00 here.

I have to wake up on time for god sakes!