The Sound Of Lagging...

Sep 27, 2003
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Just making this post to see if anyone can help me with this.

I downloaded those RAD tool thingies and used them to convert the two bink HL2 movies that I've been able to get into AVIs (Binks run slower on my computer than molasses in January. Well, July here.). However, when I run them, the sound track seems to be about 30 seconds ahead of the actual picture. Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on?:(

Oh, yeah, I reckon Half Life 2 looks cooler than liquid nitrogen, by the way. But you all know that already.:cheese:


EDIT: Oh, wait. Should this be in the Hardware/Software troubleshooting section? Errr......

Thank you Mr. Move-the-posts-that-aren't-where-they-belong person.

Much obliged.:cheers:

I'll make sure I know where to put these things from now on.

Now, can someone please answer my query? Please?

cause .AVI suck! I can get a perfect frame-rate for u using the bink videos. ok, u already got teh RAD tools. so open it up and choose the movie u want to convert 1st. then click advanced options, then under blitting style pick "UVUY (or sumthing like that) off screen" and click make EXE! and ur done, u have a fixed video
Thanks dude.:cheers:

That certainly helped. Still a little choppy, though. I'll experiment with the settings, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm running the movies on a celeron 400 with a GF2 MX400.:x

Thanks again.
