The start of WW3.....


Apr 20, 2004
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I think this is the start of world war 3.

Trouble with Israel and palastine, and also trouble with Coalition and Iraq.

By the way it is NOT just Iraq hating the coalition invaders its the whole muslim race in general i.e. iraq, iran, afganistan, al qaeda etc.

I think when coalition leaves June 30 it will all kick off again and the rebs will take over the country and the coalition will have to come back.

I think in the next coule off years something big is gona happen like some ****ing iraqi detonates a nuke in an american city or something. why would your average iraqi want to nuke one of our cities?

OHHHH wait..... I forgot its becuase we are killing there people.....and occupiing there country.
If you think the worlds going to end, youve been watching to much CNN :)
would that really beworld war 3? isnt it more likely to just escalate into anothere gulf war? mind you, if a nuke was detonated, i suppose it might rattle the world to go to war too. hmmm...
Yep, damn those pesky russians!!11 stole all my rasins!
The whole muslim race

I dont know why I bother trying to inform you people but anyway...

Islam is not a race. Its a religion. Not all muslims hate the west. Alot do I will admit. But then the west has been taking advantage of them for one hell of a long time.

The middle east is a mess. At the moment it just seems like the wrong people are in the leadership roles. But I am fairly confident that it will eventually calm down a bit.

Once we leave iraq I think that the iraqi people will start to enjoy real freedom. And I am sure they will not do anything.

Its the terrorist groups I am worried about because they are uneducated.

I have to go, I am sure someone else more informed than me will continue...
shit i missed that comment about the whole muslim race. now i gotta add a few more comments, well mainly one

like marksmen said the west has been taking way too much advantage on the middle east

and what that main problem is, is that the way we live in the west is against many of the belives of muslims. and having it shoved down their throat in the matter of you dont know whats good for oyu so lets do it for you. is going to make them angry.

for example the US belives in the seperation of cruch and state. where as in muslim populated countries. cruch is state.

its sorta like chrstianity but of politics.

the sooner we realize that the west way is not the best(except for the west of course) the better off the world will be
Hmmm... some of you need to learn some of the facts and numbers before saying stuff...

The average Iraqi doesn't hate Americans. Consistantly for the past 6 monthes or so, polled iraqis have said that thier lives are better off and they feel more sequre now that sadam is out of power. they say they'd rather have contol over thier own government, yes, but they don't hate Americans.

Infact, if america jsut left Al-Sadyr (might have spelled it wrong) the iraqi people would kill him themselves. most of them hate al-saydr. Even Iran, who was helping don't like him any more.

I think when coalition leaves June 30 it will all kick off again and the rebs will take over the country and the coalition will have to come back.
Wow.... you should proberly read a bit before you post. The coalition isn't leaving. In fact, we're proberly increasing the numbe rof forces we have there. We're giving the Iraqis more control over thier government, but we're not leaving by any means. And even if we did, the rebels don't have enough support of the general population to take the country over. This isn't Somalia.
Im sure no country is able to drop a big bomb on america, infact the only countries that are causing trouble are america and israel, ive been to the middle east and I think I have some right to say this. In Iran the only ppl that hate americans or the ones that have the leadership and almost everyone in Iran hate them, dont forget that the biggest city in Iran (teheran) is 80% populated by young ppl like us, and they all love the americans and western stuff (most of em anyway), Afghanistan is a very poor country, itts very funny u mention afghanistan anyway. Saudi-Arabia is a dangerous country so talk about their terrorists instead. I could talk for ages about this matter but I dont have the feeling you guys care. this thread should really be ignored :/
Yet we're going over there in the name of christianity.

Hah, what a wonderful world. The optimistic side of me is hoping John Titor is right.
The most probable is that a hacker gets into the NORAD central comp and declares DEFCON 1.

That means end of the World baby!

Or maybe someone will make a bio weapon that gets out of control and wipes out the world pop b4 we can get a cure.

Or maybe Israel gets threated, new leadership comes in, Iran gets pissed off, finances some Palestinians with a nuke, when Israel gets it out, they nuke Iran and allies with their 200 precious nukes, then..... well you get the point.

The dangers are everywhere, could be a a military crisis in Russia like in 1993, or Southeren Asia and/or South America fall to economical misery, or the EU takes the stakes higher and challenges the USA, or the Middle East heats up... There are 1000's of WW3 scenarios, let's just hope we can work agaisnt them.
Hmmm... some of you need to learn some of the facts and numbers before saying stuff...

The average Iraqi doesn't hate Americans. Consistantly for the past 6 monthes or so, polled iraqis have said that thier lives are better off and they feel more sequre now that sadam is out of power. they say they'd rather have contol over thier own government, yes, but they don't hate Americans.
heh, well I dunno where you get your numbers from .. but I know for sure you are way off.
Its not really a question of HOW. In my mind it is a question of WHEN.
SidewinderX143 said:
Hmmm... some of you need to learn some of the facts and numbers before saying stuff...

The average Iraqi doesn't hate Americans. Consistantly for the past 6 monthes or so, polled iraqis have said that thier lives are better off and they feel more sequre now that sadam is out of power. they say they'd rather have contol over thier own government, yes, but they don't hate Americans.
It's weird, some sources say Iraq is worse,,2-10-1460_1526194,00.html
Iraqi children are living in conditions worse than those endured under Saddam Hussein's regime and US sanctions, a children's rights organisation said on Wednesday, warning that they were experiencing a "humanitarian catastrophe".

I don't know what to believe.

I will say this though. America is successfully sewing the seeds of hatred in the hearts and minds of many middle eastern people. Also, arabs are portrayed as AK wielding madman by the western media far too much. With this constant bombardment of stereotypes we stop viewing them as people and more as animals. It's the perfect setup for genocide. If the middle east was nuked would you really care, there's a hell of a lot of right wingers who'd think "they" deserve it for attacking the Twin towers. I can guarantee similar hatred of Jews in Germany festered amoungst the populace for a long time, paving the way for Hitlers final solution.

When studying WW2 we always ask ourselves how the German people could have let that happen? Well guess what, our righteous democratic governments are following a very similar path - target: muslims and the middle east.
Scunna said:
I think this is the start of world war 3.

Trouble with Israel and palastine, and also trouble with Coalition and Iraq.

both are occupied territories. In the case of Palestine, it's has been going on for 50 years. Iraq is the new palestine

Scunna said:
By the way it is NOT just Iraq hating the coalition invaders its the whole muslim race in general i.e. iraq, iran, afganistan, al qaeda etc.

as somebody pointed out, Muslims are not a race but a religion. You are generalizing and stereotyping truth those responsible for terrorism are radical fundamentalist groups and are not representive of muslims as a whole. Just think of them in the same vein as Jim Jones or David Koresh, except with an axe to grind with the US

Scunna said:
I think when coalition leaves June 30 it will all kick off again and the rebs will take over the country and the coalition will have to come back.

the coalition isnt going anywhere...the US and it's allies will be in iraq for decades...they have an empire to run, deals to make, people to subjegate...Iraq is the prize of the middle east why would they give it up?

I think in the next coule off years something big is gona happen like some ****ing iraqi detonates a nuke in an american city or something.

no iraqi will be able to get his hands on a nuke without an americans help.

" I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought,
but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein