The Storm of Steel: Help Needed!


Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, I am Docm30 of the Storm of Steel modification for Halflife 2.

What is the Storm of Steel?: Well as stated, it is a mod for halflife 2, based on the events of the First World War between 1914-18, with a main focus of Teamwork and Realism, whilst still maintaining an entertainment value.

The mod will feature several countries and weapons, like Britain, Germany and the ANZACs (Australian & Newzealand Army Corp), each with standerd and unique classes, From Rifleman to Heavy Cavalry to Machinegunner.

Read more about the mod

Read more about the countries

Enlist Now!: We are currently in the need the following staff members:

-Must have experience with a 3d modeling application (3dsmax, Maya etc.)
-Must be able to fully model low-polygon (generally between 1000-8000) objects
-Must be able to model atleast one of the following:
Static Meshes
-Experience with UVW mapping is not required, But is a plus

Texture Artists:

-Must have experience with a 2d art program (Photoshop, Paintshop Pro etc.)
-Must be able to create realistic tiling map textures, In the power of 2
-Skill with normal/bump mapping is not required, But very much desired


-Must have experience with a 2d art program (Photoshop, Paintshop Pro etc.)
-Must be able to create detailed, Realistic textures for atleast one of the following:
Static Meshes
-Experience with UVW mapping is not required, But is a major plus.


-Must have experience with VALVes Hammer editor
-Must be able to create believable maps, Based in real world locations
-Must be able to make areas such as trenches, Large fields, and Destroyed Towns.
-Its is preferred that (With the help of coders) you can create destroyable objects, And objectives (Capture points and the like)

-Must be proficient with C++ and the Halflife 2 source
-Must be able to create atleast one of the following:
A detailed class system
Objectives for maps
Weapons, firemodes and abillities
Other things that require coding
-Experience with Halflife is not required, But is a plus

We if think if can fill one of these positions or have any other skill we can use, Head to our Contact page for more information on how to join.

Read more about joining

And to show we have a bit of progress, Here are a few renders:

German Gewehr 1898

British Mk. IV Tank

German Rifleman

And there are many more on the site

See more british renders
See more german renders
See more misc renders

Thats about it.

Docm30, Leader.
Mod Website
Mod Forums
I just wanted to wish you luck on the mod. I like how it's shaping up. :)
Thanks. And you could always sign up at the forums to help out :p
Id love to do mapping, but I'm afraid I may not have enough experience in the field yet for a mod of this size.

What is it that you do? Because we can use any help we can get, I just listed the most needed at the current time.
short recoil said:
If the work was higher quality i would join
If you're talking about the team's work, then that's really no way to treat them. The renders they've got are great!
Do you think our work is not high quality? If so, Please explain why, I am always willing to improve my work.
