the story overides the graphics



I recently played far cry, and was impressed by the graphics. And then upon reading these forums decided to play half life 1 again. Weird but I could not put the game down. For all far cry's graphics, It isn't a patch on half life for addictiveness (not a word) . my point is that a 6 years?old game, With graphics that is nowhere near as realistic as the current titles are. Is making me come back for time and time again, in other words graphics aren't the deciding facter when it comes to goods games.
Thats what happens when you play a truely great game... no wonder it won ~50 game of the year awards or somefink. :O
Good point, I have always agreed that Graphics make no difference if the story + gameplay are good. I'm not buying Half-Life 2 for the graphics, I'm buying it for the story, the action and the Multiplayer (and mods :p)
The story is ok in HL1. Doesn't hold a candle to some books written.. The point is that if you innovate you get what you deserve.

If HL2 innovates again then it will get what it deserves. They are pushing physics alot...that's their angle. Lets hope it make you poo your pants with glee.
anobium said:
graphics aren't the deciding facter when it comes to goods games.

Something i've been arguing with friends for years. Some of the more noobish gamers i know, when they see something like FF7, the first thing they point out is the crappy graphics. Kinda makes me mad, but oh well, they are the ones missing out.

Anyway, graphics almost never make or break a game, unless the game is filled with texture errors, etc...It's the gameplay. It's a hard argument to make with some ignorant people, but it's true.
Board games (like battleship) also have lifelike graphics but some of them aren't very addictive. :\

*EDIT* There is some sarcasm in that sentence.. find it and ill give you... a cookie. :O
The graphics of Thief 3 aren't too impressive, but the gameplay and the story rock...that's why I like it. I'm having much fun playing it.

Goes to show graphics aren't all that.

BTW, the reason you couldn't put HL1 down (jeez, what took you so long?) is because it rocks all ass. :p
A computer game is like a pie. A whole bunch of ingredients are needed to make a great tasting pie. If you remove one of the ingredients from the pie, it will end up tasting like crud.

Same thing goes for computer games. In order to maximize the greatness of a game, it needs to have everything, which includes graphics. Make no mistake, graphics are a huge part of games.
They arent a "HUGE" part of games... they are big but no huge.... at least to me. :\
FF7 = Best Videogame Story Ever (NOT Halo's)
Far Cry = Best Graphics (So far)

Mix these two togeather and you get ........ a lifelike looking-FF7 ... :)
I thought that Half-Life had pretty advanced graphics for it's time.
FF7 was pretty good... made me sweat... and thats a good thing since HL1 made me pee myself. :D
A|2SENIC said:
I thought that Half-Life had pretty advanced graphics for it's time.

It did, for it's time.

Neo_Kuja said:
FF7 = Best Videogame Story Ever (NOT Halo's)
Far Cry = Best Graphics (So far)

Mix these two togeather and you get ........ a lifelike looking-FF7 ... :)

Halo had a story?
My ma always told me computer games are like a box o' chocolate.
There are many brown ones and they taste good and look good. Then there's those white one that look like bird crap but they taste sooooo good...
I don't think the story really matters at all. Gameplay and immersion does.

Let's face it, HL has a good setting, but the story is b rate sci-fi at best. Not that there's anything wrong with this ....... most great games don't have a good story (infact I can't think of one game that does)
Warbie said:
I don't think the story really matters at all. Gameplay and immersion does.

Let's face it, HL has a good setting, but the story is b rate sci-fi at best. Not that there's anything wrong with this ....... most great games don't have a good story (infact I can't think of one game that does)
Mafia, Max Payne, Half-life, Homeworld. Story is so important. Look at Postal 2.
for the record, i hate final fantacy, not graphics, but story and gameplay :flame:

graphics do matter a little bit. it aids in helping the gamer become immersed in the game. now if the story/gameplay sucks, then they are going to get unimmersed very quickly.
Story in a game is like a Story in a porno film
Its there, but its just not required.

Warbie said:
I don't think the story really matters at all. Gameplay and immersion does.

Let's face it, HL has a good setting, but the story is b rate sci-fi at best. Not that there's anything wrong with this ....... most great games don't have a good story (infact I can't think of one game that does)

I think it has a superb storyline, now even better with Half-Life 2. Better than any sci-fi I've read. Marc is a great author.
Almost all nintendo games are built around gameplay > graphics.
Which is why I'm loyal to my Gamecube and a slave to Metroid Prime. :farmer:

Using that pie analogy, the meat for me is definately gameplay and story. Immersion comes a close second, and while graphics and audio play a big role in that, I'm more concerned with the atmosphere that they produce than by how 'snazzy' they are.

Metroid Prime is a good example. While the graphics and audio are, in my opinion, excellent, the atmosphere throughout the game is astounding. It doesn't get any better than hunting cloaked Elite Space Pirates with your thermal vision through a dark Research Lab.
The word "overrides" is not used properly here, overrides means makes completely irrelevant. A game with a great story and really bad graphics is a book.

Immersiveness and attention to the experience made Half-Life 1 great. The whole motto of "something cool must be happening to player at least once per 5 minutes" really paid off for me and for vALVE.

That was also probably the first game where if I ran in, guns blazing, I would be toast, and taught me to think first. And realizing that you can get through most areas without firing a single shot was cool too. Any of you guys ever do that?

Stan R.

P.S. AJ Rimmer, do you know what a smeghead is ? :)
:thumbs: I think Half Life 2, the graphics will help tell the story in a way. As mentioned in a different thread, I believe Half Life 2 will be like a movie. Good movies with good plots, also have good cinematics.
venturon said:
Which is why I'm loyal to my Gamecube and a slave to Metroid Prime. :farmer:

Using that pie analogy, the meat for me is definately gameplay and story. Immersion comes a close second, and while graphics and audio play a big role in that, I'm more concerned with the atmosphere that they produce than by how 'snazzy' they are.

Metroid Prime is a good example. While the graphics and audio are, in my opinion, excellent, the atmosphere throughout the game is astounding. It doesn't get any better than hunting cloaked Elite Space Pirates with your thermal vision through a dark Research Lab.

*mmmm* Windwaker...
Wind Waker's another really good example. I didn't even like 'Cel Shading' style when I first played that, but I really enjoyed that game for everything it was once I got into it. Like a really good home-made meat pie (sorry, it's lunch-time over here).
Neo_Kuja said:
FF7 = Best Videogame Story Ever (NOT Halo's)
Far Cry = Best Graphics (So far)

Mix these two togeather and you get ........ a lifelike looking-FF7 ... :)

My... you may be interested in This !!!
AJ Rimmer said:
Mafia, Max Payne, Half-life, Homeworld. Story is so important. Look at Postal 2.

oh come on - the story to Max Payne is complete shite (and that's being kind) Don't confuse atmosophere with a good tale :)

SubKamran said:
I think it has a superb storyline, now even better with Half-Life 2. Better than any sci-fi I've read. Marc is a great author.

You have got to be joking.


There's sod all story to HL, just enough to set the scene and give the player a purpose. This doesn't mean it's lacking in anyway either, it does the job perfectly. I think you need to read some good sci fi books ;)
Sorry mate, I can't read japanese !
Thanks for the link though :D
Anyone here think that the Soul Reaver games had good stories?
HL and Sc (Starcraft because the voice acting was pretty good...i mean compare it to empire earth for a second ^_^, and because well... it still is the most played game on, can reach up to half of population (Usually around 150k for sc at those times, but ya gotta thank koreans for making it a national sport).
I love Starcraft, it's got a pretty damn good storyline...
(But its all UMS games now ^_^)

Half-Life i like the storyline far better than just about anyone i have ever seen. I think graphics do add something to the gameplay. But not how good they are, but the style in witch there made.
Starcraft for example has some of the crappiest graphics around. But its still one of the most played games ever, even today. Yet the graphics are created in such a way, that well there are mideval, present, and future maps out there. Keeps the game pure classic.

I mean how would you have liked Half-Life if it had Doom graphics. Graphics add a certain atmosphere. It does not matter how good they are, or how photorealistic they are but the style in witch there drawn.

Compare Everquest 2 vs World of Warcraft.
Now Everquest 2 has more realistic graphics. Yet in the end would u rather have a WoW girl elf or a E2 girl elf? Graphics set the mood of the game.

So yes i believe graphics play a part in the game. Gameplay & Interferance make up alot of the game also. But trust me, if HL Had Dooms graphics, i bet ya there wouldnt be as many HL fans. Because the mood wouldn't be set perfect. Because of the limited graphic ability.
Warbie said:
oh come on - the story to Max Payne is complete shite (and that's being kind) Don't confuse atmosophere with a good tale :)

There's sod all story to HL, just enough to set the scene and give the player a purpose. This doesn't mean it's lacking in anyway either, it does the job perfectly. I think you need to read some good sci fi books ;)

Games are still a young medium and developers are still trying to figure out the best way to tell a good story, in fact it's only recently people have decided to tell stories in games at all!

You can't really compare the story in a game to the story in a book because they're just not the same. People have had many many years to figure out how to write good books. In a few years we'll see superb stories in games.

Relative to other video games, games like Half-Life and Max Payne DO have good stories.
Warbie said:
(infact I can't think of one game that does)
Well you've obviously never played Planescape Torment or any of the Fallouts. Mafia's story was also good, though it may be well tread ground...
Moejoe said:
Something i've been arguing with friends for years. Some of the more noobish gamers i know, when they see something like FF7, the first thing they point out is the crappy graphics. Kinda makes me mad, but oh well, they are the ones missing out.
Heh. I remember the first time I played FFVII. I had played FFVIII and FFIX before that so I was kinda unmotivated to play it because of the graphics being too crappy for my liking.
I tried hard as hell to deal with it and after hours of gameplay I realised it's the best Final Fantasy game ever!