The Survivors Team - Recruiting



Hello everyone,
I'm with a mod team that is currently working on a Half-Life 2: DM modification called: "The Survivors". This mod is another zombie modification and more information about the mod can be found at:

www . TheSurvivorsMod . tk
(Posted like that because linkage doesn't work)

I'm currently looking for skilled mappers, moddelers, and coders to help out the current team. Mappers will have the challenge of creating realistic urban environments that can convince the player he is located somewhere in a fictional location of the UK. Modellers will be working on simple pistols and melee weapons such as pipes, bats, and other blunt objects. If you are interested in joining the team, to help out in anyway, click the link above. Here are some of the positions that are available:

1. Coder/Scripter
2. Mapping
3. Modeller
4. Skinning
5. Playtesting
6. Voice Acting

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
- Job_314
Another Zombie mod?
You're honestly better off joining one of the existing ones. Unless you're prepared to go further by learning an applied skill, like mapping or coding.
Most new Zombie mod ideas simply pop out of existence, like bubbles in a strong gale.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it's (my version of) the truth.

-Angry Lawyer
Most of them fail because the public cuts them down before they even raise off the ground. however, yea there are too many zombie mods.. WAY too many..
We dont say that u'r mod are shit job_314, we are just saying that if u wants to make a Zombie mod, make it a real good one and post screenshots, concept art, and stuuf like that to let us see what u're doing and if it seems to last more than 2 days! U see what i mean ?
"sorry for my bad spelling right now, i'm quite stressed :)"
Im trying to get a zombie mod running myself... but its prett original.

But this is a joke! A total 28 Days Later RIP... I mean look at the storyline:

In the start... people didn't worry about it. It wasn't happening to them. Only in small villages and places no one knew how to pronounce. Until the reports started to flow in. It was no longer on these islands, It was on the sidewalks, it skulked the streets, hung outside your doors, it was even in the store down the street where the kids buy their candy. The military tried to stop it, but it only spread. Uncontrollably it ate away at the minds of everyday people. Everyday, news would report of hundreds dead, thousands infected, and more on the way. There was only so much the government could do... only so effective they could be against such overwhelming force. But I guess, people just had to ask themselves; How do you kill something that is already dead?

Really dude - join mine!
The problem is, most of the zombie mods have one member who is a 9 year old, doesn't have a modding skill, and writes all in caps. So if all the crappy zombie mods joined together, it wouldn't be much use.