The Totally UNOfficial Xmas Gift Thread


Jun 11, 2003
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This thread is for gift ideas for anyone asking/buying gifts this year, just post some things you want

Oh, and I dunno why I marked this as official, but I did so meh
How can you have been on this forum for 3 YEARS and only have 200 posts?

Oh, and plz donate to the -Ace- Fund for Computers for ME!
Check his sig :)

Also... is this anything like a Secret Santa-type thing? 'Cause I'm up for that.
Not sure yet what I'm going to get for anyone else, but unless someone wants to buy me a few thousand dollars worth of computer parts, the only things I really want are a few books.

Edit: If any of you want to buy stuff for someone you don't even know, I have an Amazon wish list set up.
Buy me dimaonds and rubies and ...... guchie dresses and crop top crompress wine me and dine me and os eplatnum rings thoose are a few of my favourate things
How can you have been on this forum for 3 YEARS and only have 200 posts?

Oh, and plz donate to the -Ace- Fund for Computers for ME!

we have a wonderful tool called the Post Count Reset-omatic
Korg Electribe Rhythm Synth
Korg Electribe Music Production Station (if I can find a good eBay deal come christmas time)
A pony and...I, and work out equipment, MANLY things...yes...defenetly NOT a basket of kittens.
How can you have been on this forum for 3 YEARS and only have 200 posts?

Oh, and plz donate to the -Ace- Fund for Computers for ME!

Call it a little trouble making.

Anyway. I'm thinking about getting a Zune or Wii when it comes out so whatever is left after that purchase is what I want for Christmas.
i want a fire truck, a sword, a airplane, a gun, a candies, :D :D :D

seriously, i want a god dam ps3
I want to make myself a gift. It would be a real life sized cow, only with a cartoonish exaggerated head. It would be massive enough to be able to climb up and sit on it.

How cool would that be? It'd make for a great conversation piece, but a bitch to move around.
A pony and...I, and work out equipment, MANLY things...yes...defenetly NOT a basket of kittens.

Pfft. **** that im man enough to ask for kittens! Gimmeh teh kittehs!
I want to make myself a gift. It would be a real life sized cow, only with a cartoonish exaggerated head. It would be massive enough to be able to climb up and sit on it.

How cool would that be? It'd make for a great conversation piece, but a bitch to move around.

Put springs in its feet and you can bounce it around!
I have a tendency to ask for the weirdest/most random things possible for Christmas.

So, this year:
Glass etching cream. For etching glass. Partly because it's the only random craft project I've ever mentioned to people.. and they actually think it sounds pretty neat. Also, if you look closely at the bottle, it "may be fatal or cause permanent damage to skin, eyes or respiratory tract. vapor ... causes severe burns which may not be immediately painful or visible." Fun stuff. It also really makes you wonder if it's hydrofluoric acid that they use, which can cut through glass and also happens to get absorbed in your skin and leach the calcium out of your bones and then you DIE.

Anyways, that's what I'm asking for, for Christmas.
Probably gonna be after a PS3. Will have to share it with my brothers though.
An XBOX 360 with Dead Rising and Sirius Satellite Radio for the car...

And just some cash and clothes.
Getting a new puter as a combined birthday/chrissie present (also mum and dad are "buying" this puter off me, or atleast the parts I've put into it as it's still the family puter). Probably my last big one since I'm officially an adult now, so might as well make the most of it ^_^

I've sorta been wanting to get mum and dad a holiday somewhere for awhile. They're both a bit stressed at the moment and haven't had any real good time off in awhile, just dunno how feasable it is. I know I can't count on bro and sis to chip in :P

Edit - Oh yeah, and I'll be buying myself a Wii sometime around there ;D
Yes, you do:(.

I wouldnt know! And Im damn proud of it!

/runs before mods reset-o-matic my post count

Oh, but before I run away... Ill ask for the book "Stop Staring"

Actually... My birthday is soon... I might ask for it then. If I do then ill probably ask for some game... so that I might actually not pirate one. I hate being broke!
An entire new computer, every component of mine is indeed a peice of shit (not that I seem to be playing many games now anyway). I'll probably ask for a book because you don't get new computers from other people.
I have everything I could ever want. :D

Well the things Im missing is too expensive to buy for a present, car, new girl friend..
I don't know, gonna wait until Best Buy's and other electronics stores' Black Friday ad's come out.

Most likely I'll ask for Season 5 of 24 and maybe some Wii stuff.
I have everything I could ever want. :D

Well the things Im missing is too expensive to buy for a present, car, new girl friend..

Yeah, I went to a few shops trying to find a nice girl friend, but the only ones that I could find for sale were all waaay to expensive. I ended up having to go downtown and buy one off the black market. Too bad the damn thing was defective and had herpes. I ended up just ditching it in a dumpster because the guy who sold me it wouldnt buy it back.