the True Masters of the Universe

fools. these people are far more powerful than robotech, he man and she ra put together ..WHOLE GALAXIES ARE NAMED AFTER THEM!! oh the humanity, I tremble at their feet, for they truely are gods amongst men
I've named the Universe after myself ... so you all answer to me now. K?

I've clamed this galaxy for myself:

NGC 4503 Galaxy Big Daddy

sigh, 34 views and only 5 replies, 2 of which are mine? Methinks I have to explain the funny here ...why do I have to explain the funny? dunderheads

taken from somewhere else:

"I am feeling a great disturbance in the Force, as though uncountable voices in the galaxies of NGC 4088 Galaxy Michael Bolton and NGC 3738 Galaxy Sarah Heiligenstein Buckles were suddenly silenced by death."

doesnt quite have the same ring to it now does it?
I'm now the proud owner of NGC 1337 Galaxy H4><0r
We need our own galaxy.
rofl...some odd names in that list. :O

yup, trillions of beings, billions of planets, millions of stars are owned by these people:

NGC 2475 Galaxy Joseph & Nancy Groth Forever & 1 Day
Aww I was hoping for a thread on He-Man
*Skeletor voice* I too was hoping this was a thread about He-Man!

So, is this for real? Like, these are actual galaxies you can name after yourself? That's pretty cool. I want one.
We should name it the Aleph galaxy. Only a few people'll get it, but it's HL related.
Why are you people paying for this, I don't see the point. Make you own list and print you own e-certificate.
I'd pay good money to see an NGC XXX

Theres some crazy shite on thhere..
NGC 4460 Galaxy Tozzolino-Wiggly Man
NGC 1544 The 12 Year Old Galaxy

WTF? NGC 4030 Galaxy Oprah Winfrey
NGC 4469 Galaxy Cat
OMG... Theres no Stephen Colbert one! That is just wrong.
I call the Cat one and the Wiggly man one.
who the hell do we think we are putting ownership on other galaxies?

Id be pissed if i was an alium and someone tried stealing my galaxy
NGC 2549 Galaxy Chung Dynasty
Holy crap.. THE CHINESE!

Oh, hey yall, you can name your own for 20$!!!!
do I can take vacations on my own galaxy?
You can try.
Whoa dude... your almost at 6,666! Is that weird?
them my galaxy will be called The toilet flush

oh and
*devil voice*MUAHAHAAHAHAHA you all will meet me at night*devil voice*

hmmm I feel like burnt in my tongue