The Unofficial Half-Life 2 User Review Thread


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Post all your reviews here. Post thoughts and score. Reviews only please.
****ing amazing!

But i have something to say for those who made Ravenholm, you own me a new pair of pants

Any review written after one days worth of play isn't worth reading.

The end \o/

(let's come back in a few weeks when we've all had a chance to complete it [maybe a few times], reflect on things, see of there's much replayability etc)
Warbie said:

Any review written after one days worth of play isn't worth reading.

The end \o/

(let's come back in a few weeks when we've all had a chance to complete it [maybe a few times], reflect on things, see of there's much replayability etc)

took me right at 12 hours to play it through, no cheats. just because you review the same day its out doesnt mean you didnt complete it, some of us are losers and have lots of time.
Warbie said:

Any review written after one days worth of play isn't worth reading.

The end \o/

(let's come back in a few weeks when we've all had a chance to complete it [maybe a few times], reflect on things, see of there's much replayability etc)

You said, "I would rate HL2 a 9.2 as well" in another thread. So if you think reviews are wrong after one day, how much more wrong after 1.5 hours? At 1.5hrs you have seen hardly NOTHING of the game (everyone who has played into the 6th and 7th chapters would agree). Maybe you should play some more to get a good feel of the AI and the game before you start telling people you agree with GS--you do not even know what you are agreeing with because you have 15-20 hours left. Same goes with the AI :)

And if you remember, GS and all the others only played it ONCE--so why are their reviews more worthy than someone else who played it through once?

I see no reason why others cannot give their reviews now also :)
Where did I say HL2 should get 9.2?? (I didn't ;))

And even if you have completed the game, 1 day is still a short time to reflect upon it. There have been many games that I've loved for a day/week only to get bored of and never play again. Others have been 'slow burners' and only start to shine after extended play (but then last years)
You know what Warbie, you are RIGHT! You did NOT say what I quoted you as saying--I am truely sorry. I was replying to 3 posts at once (2 were to you) and... wow, I am SOOOO sorry. Warbie did not say he thought it deserved a 9.2...

Thank you for pointing that out so nicely. My mistake. :x

I still think people who have finished the game have as much say as the professional reviewers who only played it once also. :) Altough I think playing on all 3 settings and watching OTHERS play would give a better feel. I noticed a LOT watching others play. A good review takes into account not only your observations and likes/dislikes, but considers how others are reacting. If it is too easy for you but 95% of people cannot beat it, well, then it is a hard game. Those things are hard to judge by yourself at times.
I have played 8 hours of HL2... here are my thoughts.

Simply put, this game is amazing. Not only is it better then its predacessor, It as revoltuionary as HL1 aswell. Future FPS titles will be hard pressed to live up to the new precedent HL2 has set. Havoks physics engine is simply astounding. Right after I got off the train, I couldnt help but rip the reciever off of a payphone and hurl it at a combine soldier. The amount of things you can do because of the physics are infinite.

In terms of story? wow. The level of immersion has increased along with the gameplay. I really liked what they did with Alyx. She's tough, but gives you a little sweetness now and then. Not to mention she is one fine looking peice of Graphic. Barney? feels like you and him have been friends forever. Barney makes one joke in particular that caused a laugh to escape my mouth, but I wont spoil it.

The thing I enjoyed most about the gameplay is how responsive the weapons are. Anyone who has played HL1 knows that the weapons in that game were sluggish. The pistol in particular frustated me, I could click 5 times and it would fire once. That wont bother me again thanks to Source. I also think the vehicles are great, for what they are. Yes, they may not be as complicated as say Halo or Planetside vehicles, but HL2 isnt that type of game anyway. Half-Life 2's vehicles are awesome when considering what valve is trying to do. Is it just me or does the buggy sound like a 5.7 ltr V8 from a 1979 Firebird?.

Presentation - 10
Graphics - 10
Gameplay - 10
Sound - 10
Atmosphere - 10
Lasting Appeal - 9 (Not counting CS:S and mods)
Story - 10

Overall 9.9

Reference: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time = 10

Its my opinion...

OOT was the best game ever. For me anywayz
Out of interest She - what games do you rate?
Ok... I have been through hell for this game already -- Up until 2 hours ago, I was not able to play at all because of fatal memory and graphics errors (and this after taking a day off work to play it, AND staying up all night for the midnight steam unlock ;( ). But, having said this, I do not hold this against HL2 -- the problem was an issue with downloading it via steam. As far as halflife 2, after 2 hours, I can honestly say, it amazes me that anyone had the ballz to make this game. It is SO far above and beyond anything else that I have ever played with the physics, graphics, reflections, etc that I frequently die from looking around too much. This game (for me) has transcended any possible rating system (as halflife did before it) because nothing else is even in the same league. Nothing. So I give halflife 2 the highest possible rating I can give -- infinite (and this from someone who was cussing at it so much earlier when it would not load for 14 hours that my wife thougt I was possesed by a sailor!!)
Warbie said:

Any review written after one days worth of play isn't worth reading.

The end \o/

(let's come back in a few weeks when we've all had a chance to complete it [maybe a few times], reflect on things, see of there's much replayability etc)

If you should do a full review then you have to at least complete the game. BUT to say that you can´t judge a game after just an hour is wrong. I think that allot of times you just need like 5 min to know if its a good game or not. It´s the same way with movies.
this game is better than anything out at the moment and will be better than anything out in the near future (for me its taken until this game for a game to top HL1) and ive only pld about 2-3 hours :D
I just finished the game and one word.

It took me about 16-17 hours. I think I will go through it again in a few days, on hard.

It surpassed my expectations. The music absolutely rocked and everything else about the game was fantastic. Everything else, that means every feature that you could list. I'm not going to do that though.
Criticism: None? I have none!

Of course I liked the music so much I wish they played it more often but that would probably cloud the atmosphere (sounds). It's one wild ride.

And if you are wondering why I am bringing up the music so much, it's because I just got through watching the credits and 'dancing' to the music.
the beginning of this game is very slow and in open areas like canals and the highway thing, its broken up a bit by fighting combines etc etc, this part to me was very boring, but i think they did it this way to make you feel lonely, because later on in the game you have friends with you and etc etc, makes you appreciate it more. i was on chapter 8 and i felt like this game was a 7/10, now that i have completed it i can honestly sayt his is the best game i have ever played. there are a few annoying bits though, like eli's horrible voice acting and the way alyx walks backwards when she talks to you, that looks very unnatural. it felt like you never got to know anything really about the story, you sorta just hit the ground running. so im giving this game a
