The Unreal Series is full of it...Mysteries that is!

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I am one of the Unreal fans on the Half-Life board.
Unreal Ops claim that there might be an Unreal 3 in the works.
Jay Wilbur proved that Unreal Tournament 2005 & 6 are in the works(They plan to keep it in that vein)
I just hope they think more on it this time, before making an extremely short and extremely dull game.

But maybe the game aint got nothing to do with Unreal? :)
Maybe they're making something different... Unreal with a STORY :eek:
Originally posted by dawdler
I just hope they think more on it this time, before making an extremely short and extremely dull game.

But maybe the game aint got nothing to do with Unreal? :)
Maybe they're making something different... Unreal with a STORY :eek:
Why, I would love that too!:P
Unreal is good for multiplayer action, but to be honest I haven't really liked any of them single player/against bots, cept UT for practice but it's dull compared with netplay. Unreal 3? Hope they make the damn thing themselves this time, and this new UT every-single-year shite is just... well stupid :/ I'm not buying a new copy of the same game every year when HL2 will be releasing new content via steam for free! Geez guys rethink your stradegies...