The unthinkable has happened...

May 24, 2003
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Ive started recieving junk mail credit card offers. Its a sad day indeed when the post comes in and you only have junk. It used to be that i either had something interesting of nothing at all.
Naa, only panic when you actually start to READ them. Thats when you've got troubles.
pointless rubbish. *locked*

err, hehe :P

just kidding don't kill me mr. nice mod man.

yeah, I hate junk. all we ever recieve is junk or bills =\ I wish I could recieve like 100 dollars in the mail sometime. that would really make me happy.
You know how they always come with pre-paid envelopes?


1. Just start sticking your other junk mail in the envelope and mail it to them.

2. Buy an envelope sized piece of 1/8th in thick steel and mail that to them.

3. Rip the application into an innumerably large number of peieces and mail that to them.

4. Write a dear john letter to the credit card comapny. Talk about them as if they were your ex-partner.

5. Fill out the application and take it to a print-shop. Photocopy it. Photocopy the photocopy, photocopy that photocopy. Continue until the appliacation is enterly unreadable. Mail it. Take bets on whether they will actually decipher it.

6. Fill out the applicaton and scan it into your computer. Then use an imaging program to mirror it so its enterly backwards. Print, mail.

7. Fill out the application with the information of another credit card company. Mail.

8. Collect a good number of of these envelopes to the same company. Send in a series of riddles that will eventually lead to the information they want.
Exactly, I didn't read my mail for 1 week and when I oped up my mail, guess what I found? 70 Emails, 60 of which were junk. Most of them related to "naturall male enhancment" dear lord, even electronic junk smells like crap
im talking about actual physical post...ive been getting junk emails for ages. Although lately i ahvent had many, probably because of those enw laws actually.
Never click the link that says plz remove me as soon as you confirm you are a reader of these emails they will sell your email accout around the world and you will be bombarded with junk...

Best sollution is to just delete them!
Farrowlesparrow said:
im talking about actual physical post...ive been getting junk emails for ages. Although lately i ahvent had many, probably because of those enw laws actually.

oh yeah, that to. I guess email wasn't working out fo rthem
Damn, and there was me thinking this thread would be about flying monkeys and stuff ive never thought about b4. but its about perfectly normal stuff like junkmail and ****. the title is wrong i tell u.... I HAVE THOUGHT OF JUNK MAIIIL!!!!
and it sucks. Especially when they send u fake money. I got 1 with all this money in the envolope u could see through the plastic.
You should try and use it...Might work if you give it to someone foriegn who doesnt know the money yet.
ductonius said:
You know how they always come with pre-paid envelopes?


1. Just start sticking your other junk mail in the envelope and mail it to them.

2. Buy an envelope sized piece of 1/8th in thick steel and mail that to them.

3. Rip the application into an innumerably large number of peieces and mail that to them.

4. Write a dear john letter to the credit card comapny. Talk about them as if they were your ex-partner.

5. Fill out the application and take it to a print-shop. Photocopy it. Photocopy the photocopy, photocopy that photocopy. Continue until the appliacation is enterly unreadable. Mail it. Take bets on whether they will actually decipher it.

6. Fill out the applicaton and scan it into your computer. Then use an imaging program to mirror it so its enterly backwards. Print, mail.

7. Fill out the application with the information of another credit card company. Mail.

8. Collect a good number of of these envelopes to the same company. Send in a series of riddles that will eventually lead to the information they want.

lol some of them are great :) ill try and remeber them and do it when i start getting loads of crap :)