The USSR's latest threat!


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score

Looks pretty good, not for the gameplay, the story, the graphics or any of that. Mainly because it has Stalin dancing in it. I'm probs gona buy it for that reason alone :D

Q1 2009 apparently. Set in 1942 and has apparently been called a piss take of WWII RTS's
Are they going to release it in english? Awesome. Last I saw it was only coming out in cryllic.
Hilarious. WTF at the Dr. Manhattan elephants.
I command you to dance!
Actually, looking at 2009, this actually looks like it will be the best RTS of the year.
The game will probably be terrible but that's undoubtably the best trailer of all time. Dancing Stalin is made of win.
Uhh... this looks like a simplified parody of a parody called Red Alert 3.
I'm having mixed feelings. On the one hand, dancing Stalin is awesome, on the other, he was the biggest genocidal monster in human history.