The +V list


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Right, it's time we collected together the people worthwhile so they can all be +V'ed on the channel and avoid the next +M. Posting here immediately marks you out, and beyond that I hope it's up to the mods. Be sensible about it - nobody will respect someone with five posts!
If you lot just keep the chat civilised and don't spam all sorts of crap there will be no need to set +m and therefore no need for any more voiced users ;)
But since the channel seems to be +m 90% of the time, I might as well throw down, too.
Phydeaux said:
But since the channel seems to be +m 90% of the time, I might as well throw down, too.

It is? Heh, we've only +m'ed it on a few occasions tonight due to massive spam from the users, and removed it after a few mins. It seems to have calmed down now though.
Well, I was +V, for a while. Could someone set me to auto-V?
Varsity said:
Be sensible about it - nobody will respect someone with five posts!

You're an idiot. A complete ****ing moron. You actually think that post counts matter. While spamming yourself +3000 posts probably makes your dick hard, it doesn't have any bearing on the content, signifigance or quality of your posts. If I write 10,000 posts of "BLEALRLLGLGL BABAGHAGAG" does that make me a respected member of the community?

Well, it probably does.
Or you could stop using irnewb and bring this party over to a real chat client like aim or something =x
I'd like to be able to talk please... I was wondering why my various witty observations were going unnoticed :(
I guess me too, I'd like to be able to talk when people are told to shut up. Its a freaking spamhouse right now.
this could have been fun, but the elitist nature of you ignoring people who don't spam has soured this day a little... oh well, three minutes
Jesus Christ.. I sell my +av in #halflife2 for $50