The video of Ikerous and I having sex....


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
has gone missing..but I do have some pictures of the after party we had.
[disclaimer]The Ikerous tape being missing may or may not be true...[/disclaimer]

How do you get this...damn...lid off...OH TWISTY!

The next Budweiser mascot.

Chug Chug Chug


Mmmm Morning! Suprisingly no hangover, but I couldn't remember ANY of the night.
Damn sexy
I especially enjoy the hairy nipples

I think i have a copy of the video somwhere ;)
Ikerous said:
Damn sexy
I especially enjoy the hairy nipples

I think i have a copy of the video somwhere ;)
Good...we'll have to watch it together. Damn I'm getting hot just thinking about it.
.............. why why why why why did i click on this?

Sweet Mercy Kill me.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Where are the females?

Remind me to avoid partying with you!
Notice how most of the pictures dont show below his waste?
They're down there.
Ikerous said:
Notice how most of the pictures dont show below his waste?
They're down there.
Truth. They were all over Ik and I....hell, they saw us goin at it, they went nuts.
You're so hard bodied, its hard for me to contain myself:D:D:D:D
You couldn't remember the rest of the night and you only had one beer?

Edit: And it was a Bud light as well. Eww.
Nothing quite like having HOLY S**T plastered on your fridge.

Hm...Ramen! The preferred food of champions.
I don't know what you're talking about. What is this 'sex'?
hmm...I dunno why...i have been here long enough but i thought this thread was going to be a huge joke! now i know...

Excuse me...must go pluck my eyes out with a rusty spoon now...
One beer? No...that's just one of the 2 that I drank, plus the large amount of Vodka I consumed Plus a shot of Khalula. Coupled with no food that day...I was out.

And the light beer is what someone brought over..I wasn't about to agrue with free beer.
I think i saw a torrent up for the video already :O
Why can't I see? Why can't I see?

Why am I holding a spoon? Why am I holding a spoon that has some sort of thick liquid on it? What are these two round things I feel on my desk in front of me?

Why can't I see?
what a pussy...

bud light?? lololol

where do u live? i'd love to show u how to party LOL
BF2slut said:
what a pussy...

bud light?? lololol

where do u live? i'd love to show u how to party LOL
CyberPitz said:
One beer? No...that's just one of the 2 that I drank, plus the large amount of Vodka I consumed Plus a shot of Khalula. Coupled with no food that day...I was out.

And the light beer is what someone brought over..I wasn't about to agrue with free beer.
And i like bud light :p so screw you naysayers XD
Well besides Stardog's photoshop work(HILARIOUS!)
This thread....screw gonna sum it up with a picture.
So I have to ask, because i'm eerily curious.

Did you guys really have sex?
AiM said:
Nothing quite like having HOLY S**T plastered on your fridge. that also "Face War" on it too? :laugh:

Edit: oh rofl, thats "Face Wash"
If only Gmod was working properly right now...