The Village


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
What do you guys think about this movie? Personally, im psyched about it...hopefully i'm going to go see it this Friday when it comes out. I liked Signs and The Sixth Sense, and those are both by the same guy.The trailer looks great as looks like the type of movie where the director takes uses the audience's imagination throughout the movie. Are you guys going to go see it?
Yes I will be there on opening night.

I've lowered my expectations though after "Unbreakable" and "Signs" - I thought the ending of both just about ruined those movies becasue they were so very very weak.


The worst was "Signs" - honestly, the movie's logic died once it was revealed that the aliens could be defeated by water. Why the hell did they choose to invade a planet that is 75% water in the first place?

Having said that I'm looking forward to The Village, though my expectations aren't as high as they were for the films after "The Sixth Sense"
yea...signs' ending was very weak. This looks like a great story, though. I just hope that it's developed well throughout the movie.
If you didnt like signs then you'll hate the ending to this film... I wont tell you the ending but go ahead and see this more than probably crap film anyhow... :/
Loved Signs and I'm definently going to watch The Village.
[Matt] said:
If you didnt like signs then you'll hate the ending to this film... I wont tell you the ending but go ahead and see this more than probably crap film anyhow... :/

how would you know the ending? was it leaked?
i'm pretty sure you can find the script to it on the internet
Sai said:
i'm pretty sure you can find the script to it on the internet
Yes, you can.

I can't wait. M. Night. Shyamalan is my favorite director, and the movie looks great. This should help him regain status he lost after Signs (which I, unlike most people, liked).
Everyone I know around here thought Signs was great, so I don't know what you guys are talking about. Many people on these forums seem to follow suit to avoid ridicule... that's the impression I get at least. The ending to Signs was in no way "weak". It had a very powerful message: everything happens for a reason. It was very well thought out and the delivery was excellent. The aliens probably invaded Earth because it's so rich in resources, and they were badly in need. The presence of water was probably a risk they were willing to take. Besides, how would anyone realize to use water against them, unless it was an accident? Unbreakable was great as well. I'll agree that the ending could have been better, but it didn't ruin the movie for me.
i want to see this movie.. but with a few good ones upcoming.. i dunno.. its hard to skip Alien vs Predator.. and afew others.. :|
I hope be scary
not like the ring that is suposed to be "scariest"
I laughed when I saw the preview. The movie looks funny, not scary. :P "The Village! Critically acclaimed as the number one comedy of the year!" :E
I've loved everthting the director has done so far, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm sure we've already had quite a few debates over Signs before, so lets not get into that. His stuff strike a cord with me that few others have been able to (Lovecraft is a notable exception), and I'm sure as hell gonna be there when it opens Friday.
Direwolf said:
I've loved everthting the director has done so far, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm sure we've already had quite a few debates over Signs before, so lets not get into that. His stuff strike a cord with me that few others have been able to (Lovecraft is a notable exception), and I'm sure as hell gonna be there when it opens Friday.

Same here. One of the few directors out there right now where I know I will, at the very least, like the film tremendously..if not love it.

Character development and atmosphere go a long long way if done right, and M. Night. Shyamalan seems to really know how to do both really well (Hitchcock had "it" as well). Goes to show you can have a really good movie without a ton of violence, gore, profanity, nudity etc.
ray_MAN said:
I laughed when I saw the preview. The movie looks funny, not scary. :P "The Village! Critically acclaimed as the number one comedy of the year!" :E

I probably laughed a lot when I watched Signs.

I'm probably going to see The Village; maybe I'll go with my sister. I liked Shyamalan's other three movies. I did think the ending of Signs was a little weak (I felt more like it was freakishly specific coincidence than "everything happens for a reason") and they could've done a better job in making the aliens look less like skinny guys in costumes... but otherwise I liked it. I definitely liked the Sixth Sense, and I thought Unbreakable was ok (there were a few scenes I really liked), although it seemed to move along a little slowly. So, anyways, I'm really looking forward to Signs. There haven't really been any other movies out in a long time that I've been excited about.
I feel sorry for Shyamalan. He had such a great first movie, and he's been trying to top it since. The problem is he seems to have gotten it into his head that we want an eery story with some magical twist at the end.

I've read reviews of 'The Village' all of which say that he trys to have a twist at the end of the movie, which doesn't work.

It's reviews are also pretty mixed, so I wont be seeing this one at the cinema as I did the other three.

SHYAMALAN, You are **NOT** Hitchcock Re-Born!!
craigweb said:
I feel sorry for Shyamalan. He had such a great first movie, and he's been trying to top it since. The problem is he seems to have gotten it into his head that we want an eery story with some magical twist at the end.

I've read reviews of 'The Village' all of which say that he trys to have a twist at the end of the movie, which doesn't work.

It's reviews are also pretty mixed, so I wont be seeing this one at the cinema as I did the other three.

SHYAMALAN, You are **NOT** Hitchcock Re-Born!!

Well, he's supposed to be working on the film adaptation of Life of Pi so maybe it will help mix things up a little with him working in a different genre.