The Walking Dead

Saw this the other day, not sure how I feel about it. I love the Walking Dead, it's probably my favourite comic out there at the moment so I don't really want to see a TV show of it, but on the other hand I kind of do if it's done right. Darabont has a lot of good history, though The Mist didn't really do too much for me.

On the subject of the comics, the latest few issues have been really good. Been a bit slow lately but things are starting to pick up now. Loving it.
i'm half way trough it. it really get's cliche at times, especially the love scenes. but otherwise it's pretty entertaining.
There was a discussion thread on this at i09 a few days back (good bookmark worthy site btw):-

I put my thoughts down there:-

I'm not entirely convinced this is a good idea. The walking Dead isn't all its cracked up to be (sorry zombie fans). It started off well, and I won't deny the whole build up and aftermath of the Prison war was fairly compelling, but the characters are fairly forgettable and there is an inordinate amount of soap opera style SHOUTING that goes on between them most of the time. Generally everyone is very reactionary (acting with the heart rather than the head), and after a while it just grates, esp that every character is generally so frustratingly dense and inarticulate. Kirkman can certainly write, but I don't think he can write 'smart' which is troubling.

As regards a show, it would have to be interpretive given the level of gore involved, plus constant location shooting, hundreds of extras & quick turnaround action scenes & CGI makes it a formidable (read: expensive) kind of project to get green lit, esp in the present economy.

I can't say I've changed my opinion any since then either. The principal is good (zombie apocalypse), but I sure as hell hope they don't follow the existing soap opera storyline or use any of the existing characters. Kirkmans having a hard time imho keeping Rick Grimes alive still given he's completely gimped and the longer it drags on the more obvious it becomes (kill him already). There seems to be a problem with writers where they have a history of make bold moves a lot (consider RDM with BSG) but then inextricably pussy out on certain decisions. The bailout between Galatica and the Pegasus being a classic example of writers inexplicably pulling a punch, when they really should be landing a killer combo.