The Website Is Down

If only that was real, that would be even more hilarious.
i lul'd at him deleting the e-mail saying not to shut it down just before his boss checking.

That's what I'd do.
hah. did you catch that?

when the guy on the phone asked him to put the icons back

He put a wallpaper of the icons, then he deleted all the actual icons.


i can just picture the guy on the phone trying to click the icons.
Double screen i think.
Monitor : Projector.
Not sure how its done
Yeah, the guy wanted them aranged by penis... So he toke the picture from before and made it into his wallpaper. He tried telling him. That was hilarious.
This is so great.

He put all the icons into a folder on the bottom right.
I want that screenshot of the penis icons as my desktop.
Ahhhhhhhhh, brilliant - Will watch it again.

I'm telling you this for post count only purposes.
The humour lies in the truth behind it. I've had conversations like this. unfortunately none of them had icons lining someone's right testicle.
Dear god that entire thing was priceless
Normally a moderator would be eager to reset your post count for making posts like that, Ben, but you have so little posts it's not even worth it :p
Indeed Vegeta,

And I could always go back to lurking - oh how I know you all so well! O_O
Indeed Vegeta,

And I could always go back to lurking - oh how I know you all so well! O_O

I don't believe you do. There's so little you can get from lurking. So much you miss out on. You barely get to know on anyone without the feedback they give to you directly. Sure, it's alright to judge people and make assumptions on what they say, but without the comments they make about your own posts, they are just assumptions.

And mentioning the fact you "know people mwa har har" just isn't creepy, it's just make you look like a retard.
I don't believe you do. There's so little you can get from lurking. So much you miss out on. You barely get to know on anyone without the feedback they give to you directly. Sure, it's alright to judge people and make assumptions on what they say, but without the comments they make about your own posts, they are just assumptions.

And mentioning the fact you "know people mwa har har" just isn't creepy, it's just make you look like a retard.

Ouch drookles, I don't think he meant anything by it.

Yeah fair enough about the retard thing, but you are wrong about not learning peoples mannerisms and nature without having them relate to you personally. For example, when lurking you see how people relate to each other, and themselves with the way they put their words together. Im not saying I know it all, but written communication tells a lot about someone, especially since it is archived and accessible to others for a period of time.

If anything, being related to and involved within a group distorts your perception of whats real or not within a relationship. I mean, who could get a better idea of someones true nature with observation? Someone who's detached and objective about whats said? or someone involved and emotionally invested?

But anyway, I only come for the luls, and you are a funny bunch!
When you think of it, internet forums are probably the only thing immune to the scientific rule, "If you observe it, you affect it" or something like that.