The Witcher! -An Epic Looking RPG- -56K Warning-


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
This game has been in the works for several years now but has not been getting the appropriate attention that it deserves. Most people are unaware of it's existense so I figured I would make a thread about it. Some very cool videos where released for the game "The Witcher" and it shows off a bunch of features for the graphics engine. This game seriously looks like it will be one of if not the best RPG ever. I don't know why but this game looks very epic to me. The worlds are huge, the combat looks good, and the controls and gameplay elements also look good. This game looks like it will be an epic.

Lots Of Trailers And Videos:

You must watch these videos. You won't be disapointed.

The Game's Site:

Some Previews:

Some Screenshots:

NOTE: These are pretty old screenshots and the game actually looks much better in the videos.













Duh... :eek:

That seriously can't be something that any current consumer computer would be able to run. I mean... ya.
Wasn't Fable mor ethen enough?
Plz,give a us a proper KOTOR sequel instead.
Enough with Fantasy Rpg games already.
Somebody needs to kill the D&D creators and their influence on the gaming community.
Looks like a great rpg. And any game that has a 'grass growing system' has a plus in my book ..... :laugh:
sorry for this slightly off-topic rant but, why is it that you have all these beatiful scenes that make things look lovely like such:


but still i've yet to see any effort being put into the cracked and broekn areas like such:


things don't break off cleanly and leave lovely straight edged chunks like that, yet in most games i havn't seen a realistic looking effect on broken down areas. It's just me being pedantic, but it always seems like the mappers always slack off when it comes to those sort of features. I've seen it in many games where everything else looks superb and the little things like this are just missed off...

[/silly rant]
Looks real pretty, and also, unfortunately, like every other RPG announced this year :(

that fifth screenshot reminds me of that part in Van helsing, where him and franky's monster show up in that town...
Septih said:
things don't break off cleanly and leave lovely straight edged chunks like that, yet in most games i havn't seen a realistic looking effect on broken down areas. It's just me being pedantic, but it always seems like the mappers always slack off when it comes to those sort of features. I've seen it in many games where everything else looks superb and the little things like this are just missed off...

[/silly rant]
You must be joking, right? Why would a modeller spend time adding extra polys which will slow performance just to make some broken walkways look a bit more realistic?
StardogChampion said:
You must be joking, right? Why would a modeller spend time adding extra polys which will slow performance just to make some broken walkways look a bit more realistic?

I do realise that i am being a bit nitpicky, but you could say that for most of the little details that modellers put in. I'm not saying that poly counts aren't important, but why spend all that time making everything else looks wonderful and not finish the job?

let's just leave it as my pet hate, i seem to be the only one that notices it.
Looks like it could be ok, but Oblivion's the only RPG I'm excited about.
TwwIX said:
Wasn't Fable mor ethen enough?
Plz,give a us a proper KOTOR sequel instead.
Enough with Fantasy Rpg games already.
Somebody needs to kill the D&D creators and their influence on the gaming community.

Somebody needs to kill the inventors of the gun and thier influence over fps games.

And yes I love fantasy settings.
wayne white said:
kotor is nothing more than d & d on space

You forgot its a lot more entertaining and...oh I don't know...better?

While I don't mind fantasy RPGs, we need more sci-fi ones. Xenosaga and KOTOR have kept my appetite so far, but what else is there? Mass Effect isn't supposed to come out till 2007 and Xenosaga Episode III is the last episode now. We need more :(.

But anyway, the Witcher does look very interesting and if my PC is any good by time it comes out, I'll buy it.
This is not the witcher, it is the witchEST!

(credit goes to Penny Arcade for that joke)
DeusExMachinia said:
You forgot its a lot more entertaining and...oh I don't know...better?

While I don't mind fantasy RPGs, we need more sci-fi ones. Xenosaga and KOTOR have kept my appetite so far, but what else is there? Mass Effect isn't supposed to come out till 2007 and Xenosaga Episode III is the last episode now. We need more :(.

But anyway, the Witcher does look very interesting and if my PC is any good by time it comes out, I'll buy it.
How about FF7/8. They're in semi sci-fi worlds.

I like fantasy LOTR-style worlds anyway. Less guns, because guns are boring.
DeusExMachinia said:
You forgot its a lot more entertaining and...oh I don't know...better?

since when is your opinion fact ?

go watch the videos where they talk about specific things, like gameplay, graphics and so on.