The Witcher arrives on consoles

Video isn't working. But 'new engine'?? That's going to be more than just a port... My spider sense says some kind of spinoff tailored for console audiences. Perhaps CDProjekt's own 'Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance'?
Weird, the vid was working a while ago. It's the same game, just with a revamped combat system and additions - extra quests/story/monsters etc. The 'new' engine is just an enhanced version with better lighting and other costmetic changes.


Try this one:
The awful inventory!

The combat is basically simpler than most console games to begin with. I can't wait to re-play this on my 40" with surround.
How many times must I buy your game, CDProject? How many times?!

I hope this is a new/side story. Because I'm gonna keep buying whatever they make regardless, so something original would be nice.

And if it's a special edition with fancy packaging you can sign me the **** up.
Any clue as to when this comes out?
The enhanced edition will be good enough for me when I upgrade my PC early next year. The enhanced-enhanced edition for consoles sounds like a cheap cash-in, but hey, if it makes them more money that they will promise to use toward making a better RPG next time around, who can complain??
How's it a cash in?

The changes sound pretty fundamental to me. I know alot of people liked the game, but an awful lot found the combat to be pretty dire - which was my main gripe and the reason it wasn't so well received in reviews. I don't really care about the better lighting, shadows, and new models and animations etc - that stuff's just gravy - but a completely reworked and more in depth combat system, with extra behaviour for the ai, could make all the difference.
It's good that complex, deep games make their way to the consoles, hopefully, not dumbed down.

Also, I'll treat any "BAWWWWwhy didn't I know of the consequences" threads on console forums as proof that most console players are retarded.
Official announcement.

I especially like their reassuring of the PC fans. Though I'm confused by what they mean by new game built from the ground up, with the same Witcher story. I'm excited either way.
Console ports of superior PC products are seen by me as cash-ins. The more they hype it as so much better than the PC version makes me smell desperation.

hopefully, not dumbed down.
This will be the problem I fear, but we'll have to wait and see. Same can be said about the Dragon Age console editions until further notice.
As a console player I say you can keep you game. From what I've seen it got alot of bad scores, even Yatzee didn't like it.... ok he doesn't like anything that doesn't have cake and lie's but he REALLY didn't like this.

I trust cinics. Oh and "console players are tards" really? Does it really make you feel improtent as a PC player to insult consoles on a constant base? Sometime's you guys are worse then any console fanboy.
Someone over at NeoGaf, who interviewed a dev, confirmed that the game is basically the Enchanced Edition with changes made to the engine, animations, and GUI/controls. The game itself remains the same.
EDIT: Looks like Blackthorn beat me to the official announcement. I still like that they're drawing a clear distinction between console and PCRPGs, but I doubt that they'll find it cost effective to develop separately for both over the long term, which is sad.

As a console player I say you can keep you game. From what I've seen it got alot of bad scores, even Yatzee didn't like it.... ok he doesn't like anything that doesn't have cake and lie's but he REALLY didn't like this.
'Even Yahtzee didn't like it'? 'EVEN'?? Oh Socks_assfront, no one gives a crap what Yahtzee likes. His reviews are primarily done for the comedy. You can only rely on them to consistently mirror your opinions if you're the type of narrow elitist who wants to see games appreciated as an art form, yet who only acknowledges Psychonauts and Portal as a true expression of that art. He certainly doesn't review RPGs well - for example, he complained that Mass Effect has 'too much dialogue' while at the same time appearing to give props to Planescape: Torment.

He definitely ****ed up with The Witcher, which is the best RPG in ages. The Enhanced Edition got a slew of great scores, if that's important to you.
I really need to play this game. Piece of bollocks computer...

even Yatzee didn't like it
And that's an accomplishment how?

Besides, he didn't even review it, he "previewed" it because he didn't even get past the first level/town/whatever. Which, I believe consensus had it, was the worst part of the game.
Tbh I think he would have applied his irrational dislike to the rest of the game even if he'd have gotten further. The first chapter was pretty great IMO, certainly not different enough in quality from the rest of the game to inspire a big change of opinion from Yahtzee.

Then again, Yahtzee tore the shit out of Oblivion, then called Fallout 3 'Oblivion with guns' and pretty much loved it. Consistency isn't his metier.
Not a RPG guy but this was pretty damn good. Story wasnt my thing really but still good.
I just got the Enhanced Edition (even though I won't get my upgraded PC for another month or so) and it looks incredible. On paper (that is to say, on the manuals, maps and books that come with it) it looks to be one of the greatest RPGs ever. Plus the soundtrack CD and the CD of music inspired by The Witcher are both incredible. I wonder if the "Enhanced" console editions will have as much swag? Doubt it. Man, I can't wait to play this!!
Just bought the Enhanced Edition on PC and the game's incredible, one of the best RPGs I've played. I hope the conversion goes well.
This is actually brilliant news for me, because I played the Witcher, and it looked to have a really good storyline, the world was really interesting, but the combat, and even the movement in general was bloody awkward for me, and everything was just seemed too complex (which yatzee did pick up on) and I lost interest.

I always thought this game would probably be played better on a console and if the combat wasn't so cluttered I think is the word I am looking for, so when it comes and if gets good reviews I think I may rebuy it and give it a re-try.