The Working Class

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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How much time do you interact with people from other classes? I find myself hanging out only in the company of other members of white-collar families (AKA the middle class). People from blue-collar families, or the working class, seem in my eyes a lot of the time to be ignorant, stupid, rude and brutal with no clue about anything.

Are you in the same situation?
I find the opposite to be true here ... the middle-class/upper-class/wannabes are all arrogant and rude.
How much time do you interact with people from other classes? I find myself hanging out only in the company of other members of white-collar families (AKA the middle class). People from blue-collar families, or the working class, tend to be ignorant, stupid, rude and brutal with no clue about anything.

Are you in the same situation?
I've never been too keen on the class system, so before we begin, how do you define working class?

How does it differ to middle class in your eyes, being middle class yourself?
How much time do you interact with people from other classes? I find myself hanging out only in the company of other members of white-collar families (AKA the middle class). People from blue-collar families, or the working class, tend to be ignorant, stupid, rude and brutal with no clue about anything.

Are you in the same situation?

my dad was a blue collar worker and immigrant ..he currently owns property in excess of $1,500,000 ..he by no means stupid

here's a whole bunch of "white collar" people who are about as stupid as they come ..and they're everything from politicians to historians (half way)


Governor of Iowa to camera: "Congradulations Canada on getting a 24 hour clock"

a person's station in life is not indicative of intelligence ..not always ..especially those that are white collar from birth ..dont forget Bush had the best opportunities that money could possibly buy and he's still an idiot

last night I hung out with a mechanic and a truck driver, the other day it was a lawyer and and someone on the local council of the United way
my dad was a blue collar worker and immigrant ..he currently owns property in excess of $1,500,000 ..he by no means stupid

here's a whole bunch of "white collar" people who are about as stupid as they come ..and they're everything from politicians to historians (half way)


Governor of Iowa to camera: "Congradulations Canada on getting a 24 hour clock"

a person's station in life is not indicative of intelligence ..not always ..especially those that are white collar from birth ..dont forget Bush had the best opportunities that money could possibly buy and he's still an idiot
Oh I know. Both my parents are from the working class too. I realize that it's a stupid and ignorant prejudice, but it's just the way I act.

But I do find it hard to spend time with blue-collars because we're interested in completely different things.
I've never really encountered a real division of classes in my life. I tend to interact with everyone and judge them on a person-to-person basis, rather than label them by their social standing or profession.
^ Oh, I try to do that too.

Maybe I should've put it like this: the people who I'm friends with and the ones I like to spend time with tend to, in the vast majority of cases, be from the middle-class. When I'm talking to people from the working class, we more often than not share very little in common as their interests, humour etc. differs so much from mine.
Oh I know. Both my parents are from the working class too. I realize that it's a stupid and ignorant prejudice, but it's just the way I act.

But I do find it hard to spend time with blue-collars because we're interested in completely different things.

ya but you cant judge them all the same ..even white collar people ..I know plenty of white collar people who you couldnt have an intelligent conversation on anything topical and I know of blue collar workers who I could talk to for hours ..also part of the problem may be you really, in a non offensive way ..I mean sometimes you have to talk to people at their level cant expect everyone to have the same interests or inside knowledge on any particular field'll realise this later in life when most people seem to have stopped learning right after high school/college

Azner: the majority of you have no class ;) really, since you live with your parents, and they provide for everything therefore your station in life is whatever station in life your parents are
It's based on the economic condition that said student lives in.

Anyway, I hold no prejudices against upper- or lower-class people, but I do tend to spend my time with other middle-class people.
I get along fine with all classes, even chavs. I'm generally around middle class people, but the class barriers are very blurred these days.
If I don't like the person, I don't hang around them, I don't care what class they are
Just barbarians, clerics and rangers for me, for some reason.

Could be because I'm in Texas.
texans as barbarians and rangers? ok I understand barbarian (Conan's creator Robert E Howard was a texan) I think I speak for a few people when I say this is what I picture when I think of a texan


"say yer prayers you long eared galoot!!!"

but I'm sure most of you think of this when you think canadian

Surely you know of Texans love affair with everything 'rangers'. And not the forest ranger type.
Idiots are idiots, regardless of their social class. Back home the two worst are probably the chavvy, inbred working class folk who spend all day on building sites then hang around town squares telling people to get hair cuts. Then you have the pretentious toffs who live on country estates, have no idea what reality is, ride horses, have a wonderful daughter who studies men and cheap rose wine at local agriculture college and 2 4x4's parked on their front lawn.

I hate the countryside.
ok that went over my head ..rangers mean one thing in canada: a hockey team, ok two meanings: guys on horseback who scout for the army
Most of my friends are from working class families, they all went to a college to do A-levels I went to a grammar school sixth form so I've now got a lot of middle class friends too. I find the level of conversation roughly the same in both social class groups. I like people from most classes, not to found of the aristocrats though (although I've never actually met one). Coming to think of it, when discussing current affairs in my classes I do get very annoyed at how disconnected from reality some of my peers are. One person said today: "No matter what school you go too, you can still do very well, so it's peoples own fault if they don't get GCSE's". He was saying this to defend the status quo and it really pissed me off. He's been at a posh grammar school for the last 7 years, I went to a school that had 19% 5 A-C GCSE passes which is very low indeed so I don't think he has a clue what schooling is actually like for most people.
ok that went over my head ..rangers mean one thing in canada: a hockey team, ok two meanings: guys on horseback who scout for the army

I don't want to have to explain my D&D joke to you.
Coming to think of it, when discussing current affairs in my classes I do get very annoyed at how disconnected from reality some of my peers are. One person said today: "No matter what school you go too, you can still do very well, so it's peoples own fault if they don't get GCSE's". He was saying this to defend the status quo and it really pissed me off. He's been at a posh grammar school for the last 7 years, I went to a school that had 19% 5 A-C GCSE passes which is very low indeed so I don't think he has a clue what schooling is actually like for most people.

You CAN do very well, no matter what school you go to - those 19% are proof of that. It might be harder to do well in a bad school, but your grades are still your responsibility.
Incidentally, I got A*/A/B in the GCSEs I took and I went to a tuition centre that was populated by myself and a bunch of expelled kids, and where English lessons involved watching the video because reading the book was too difficult. After two years of having no schooling whatsoever. Poor me...

I like people from most classes, not to found of the aristocrats though (although I've never actually met one)

Probably because aristocrats don't actually exist.
In England, what determines the School you go to? You don't have any form of academic selection, do you?
I prefer Sorcerers, especially if female as the class needs high charisma. Wizards will do to becouse I like intelligence.

Ahem, anyway. I dont even know for sure what social class most of my friends belong to, one of my parents is a white collar while the other is blue collar. That is the case with several of my friends and most are from middle class families, I think. Despite being a socialist, I do not care what social class people belong to as they are still people.
i grew up in middle class but as a solo poor student i pretty much hang out with lower class people or students from middle class families, no huge difference. most upper class people are ****ing idiots, bunch of spoiled brats
Ex was "upper class". Creme of society. So a range.

Avoid the working class. Working class I identify as the chavs, people with little income, a council house, the inability to get any further in life, not because of disability, but simply because of their laziness, or bad attitude or criminal record. One might call them stupid. Others might call them ignorant. I call them shit.

If you feel you fit in this class and feel offended by this, yet dont consider yourself a chav, you don't.
I've never really encountered a real division of classes in my life. I tend to interact with everyone and judge them on a person-to-person basis, rather than label them by their social standing or profession.

Basically sums me up. I know loads of working and middle class people. Both my parents were working class.
I usually interact with those who are out of school and working full time jobs...For some reason, I just find the other people I find in school lazy. Not saying all of you people in school are lazy, just the mentality of those around here are, "I'm in school, and I'm better than you because I don't work right now."

Really irks me.
cyber that sounds weird. round here we really envy friends with jobs