The World and a Journey Through It


Jan 3, 2005
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Get up Nathan.

He was on the ground in the top floor of a three-story house in the countryside. Countryside of what country? Europe? America? Somewhere else? Screw it. He was somewhere on Earth, lying face up, his eyes wide open, and he couldn’t move.

Get up man. Get up.

Why? It was nice to lie in the horizontal position for once. Nice soft carpet, a little dusty, but… what the hell?! ANT LIONS! ANT LIONS! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP GET UP GET UP GETUP GET UP GET UP!!!

He wasn’t moving.

Paralyzed? No. No. He just moved his foot. He was just scared. Bloody tired too, it was perfectly reasonable to just lie down, in this nice house… why is the carpet getting wet? Is that the smell of… blood? His blood?! Nathan’s head jerks up for a moment. Good, he moved. What’d you see?

THERESEA!!! He sobbed, burst out wailing. She was dead! She was dead. The blood was HERS. HERS! Still pouring out warm and sticky, practically transfusion-safe! She’s dead! Nathan’s wife was dead. And there were ant lions coming through the door. Wait a minute! Things were going too fast. Why was he here? What happened? He remembered doing a lot of things and he remembered being really tired doing them but what was it THAT HAPPENED THAT CAUSED THERESEA TO DIE?!

Okay, okay, you had your moment, now you really need to get up, Nathan. There’s like, eight ant lions.

Eight? Eight ant lions in THIS room? What? Oh. Oh… yes, there were eight ant lions. And more coming. Clicking whirring mindless scum-sucking wife-butchering ant lions. They didn’t notice he was alive. Why not? Its not as if they detected their prey with sight (did they have eyes? Nathan didn’t think so, but then again he hadn’t really observed ant lions so much, he just ran from them and killed them when he could afford it.) Yeah, this was a life-threatening situation.

But get up? Now? Despite his wife dying and his imminent death at the claws of the ant lions, it was so comfortable and he felt like he could sleep forever, tired from what seemed like an eternity of action and stress and struggle that had all lead to an unfortunate failure.

Good. You’re not sad any more. That comes later. However, you’re still not thinking logically. These ant lions are going to eat you alive.

Shut up. Sleep. Sleep with blood in his hair… BLOOD?! THERESEA’S BLOOD! ANT LIONS! Carpet… floor… horizontal position…


No, he wanted to just… Oh, god, ant lions all around him. Must be more than twenty piling in. Looking for food? How had they not recognized him.


Sleepy, tired… death doesn’t seem so…


“AHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Nathan burst up off the floor, his eyes shot red, blood along his back and dripping down his hair, yelling at the top of his lungs. Adrenaline surged into his system. They had killed his wife. They had destroyed everything. The ant lions must die. Never before had a human foot been so impeccably invincible. It struck the nearest creature head on, and the ant lion’s carapace buckled into itself and then exploded, showering the room with alien organs. Nathan reached down and grasped the leg of another insect, flipping it into the air and delivering a crude swinging kick to its mouth, shredding it into pieces. As he came down from the maneuver, his foot landed onto another ant lion, crushing it in seconds.

What was that on the floor? A grenade? Bullocks. Was he one to carry a grenade?

The ant lions had barely realized that they had opposition by the time Nathan killed three of their kind. They were still frozen in their tracks when he shoved an explosive down one’s throat and then sprung into a flying jump out of the window. The grenade detonated, ripping the entire house to bits, with the ant lions inside. Nathan was propelled at a decent velocity into a nearby pond. The mud at the bottom broke his fall. But it also delivered a crack to the head that wiped his memory. Nathan would awaken one minute later at the bottom of a brackish pond, with a raging, burning mansion behind him and ant lions swarming.