TheInq Mocks Netizens


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
The Inquirer, Ridiculing Illiteracy, Americans

And, well, whatever else they feel like on any given day.

I'm not sure if the forum-goers quoted by TheInq Well are from, but I thought I saw a few recognizable quotes. TheInquirer gave out awards at the end though! Here's a clip:
And my personal favourite,
"I never experianced anything like this...this is something i gonna tell my kids about in the future."

Oh come on. September the 11th? Princess Di? Nah.

HL2 source leak? Damn, I remember where I was then!
hte ianquirere cna sux mi nutz

edit: some of those quotes are from here, if you're reading inquirer, eat a dick.
Whats funny, a lot of those are from our boards.
I actually think they are all from these boards. But some are taken out of context, others were meant to be sacastic (he took them seriously) and a few were just made by some idiots. He didn't bother to note any intelligent things said either. What an idiot.
i'm happy to report none of the quotes were me, well at least none that i remember typing.