TheNerdGuy: EU backs tighter rules on piracy


May 20, 2003
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The European Parliament has passed an anti-piracy law, covering everything from handbags to music downloads. Under the law, counterfeiters could face civil penalties, but proposals for criminal sanctions were dropped.

Before the vote, critics said the law was flawed as it applied the same penalties to both professional counterfeiters and consumers.

But a late amendment limited them to organised counterfeiters and not people downloading music at home.
Property price

The final vote on the EU Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive took place in the European Parliament on 9 March. The directive was passed by 330 votes to 151.

The law was drawn up to target professional pirates, criminals and counterfeiters who make copies of goods such as football shirts or CDs.

During the debates, the directive was widened to cover any infringement of intellectual property.

The directive allows companies to raid homes, seize property and ask courts to freeze bank accounts to protect trademarks or intellectual property they believe are being abused or stolen.

Civil liberty and lobby groups feared that the music industry will also use the law to mount raids on the homes of people who swap songs via file-sharing systems such as Kazaa.

The Enforcement directive was compared to the controversial US Digital Millennium Copyright Act by Andreas Dietl, director of EU Affairs for the European Digital Rights (EDRi) lobby group.

The Recording Industry Association of America has used the DMCA to bring lawsuits against file-swappers in the US and EDRi fears the same could now happen in European countries.

The European law was shepherded through the European Parliament by MEP Janelly Fourtou, wife of Jean-Rene Fourtou who is boss of media giant Vivendi Universal.

But late amendments added to the law limited who intellectual property owners could take action against and what penalties they could apply.
One amendment said action should not be taken against consumers who download music "in good faith" for their own use.

Proposals to jail counterfeiters were also dropped from the act.
Lobbyists fear that the law could threaten press freedom in countries, such as Spain, which include confidential information in definitions of intellectual property.

In November, the EU copyright directive came into force in the UK which put many things people are used to doing with music, such as copying tracks to an MP3 player, fell into a legal grey area.

EU ministers are expected to sign off on the new rules against counterfeiting by the end of the week.

Member states would then have 18 months to implement their own versions of the directive.

Well......neat I guess to protect them from the big time piraters.........but if it REALLY screws over the little guys just getting 1 song off a CD that they hate the rest of......then thats no good.

And I really don't like the idea of Companies being able to raid peoples houses and freez bank acounts. Thats just ****ing crazy.
They'll never beat it.
Funny, I will admit I used to download and get games copied for me alot when I was a little younger....

But now, I just think its really really harsh on the companies. So I buy them....

Well, as many as I can afford. ;(
Of course copying should be illegal and punishable... the trick is not getting caught :cool:

I buy pretty much all of my games, I don't buy albums. And I never will, ever. Not that I don't wanna pay for my music, but I don't wanna pay that much for so little.
I think I'm gonna use services like iTunes, I'm willing to buy songs for a buck and compose my own CD. But Cd's are a waste of my money, cause I never like more than a few songs, or even just one or two, on an album, and there are already so few songs on it! When you can compose your own CD, you can compose a CD with song you all like, not just a few.
But I also listen a lot to internet radio, I don't have that much mp3, so my pirating is pretty limited. I also have some apps (either with expired trials or just pirate versions), but I'm trying to switch to their legal versions as much as possible, like XSI|EXP.

On general I'm anti-warez, but also a bit of a hypocrite because I still use it.
An artist deserves his money for a song, but the record company doesn't deserve the money of a CD. A developer of software deserves the money of the program you use. But then there's the programs I can't afford, like Photoshop. And you would say 'then don't use it, you don't need it' and well.... you're absolutely right, and it's wrong. But atleast I admit it's just plain wrong, no matter how you look at it. But there are tonnes of people who make up stupid excuses to justify it, and they DO piss me off.

Wha?? Tighter laws on piracy?! nooooooo!

/me puts rum, hook and parrot away and sulks in the corner... yarrrrr ;( greasy land lubbers
PvtRyan said:
Of course copying should be illegal and punishable... the trick is not getting caught :cool:

I buy pretty much all of my games, I don't buy albums. And I never will, ever. Not that I don't wanna pay for my music, but I don't wanna pay that much for so little.
I think I'm gonna use services like iTunes, I'm willing to buy songs for a buck and compose my own CD. But Cd's are a waste of my money, cause I never like more than a few songs, or even just one or two, on an album, and there are already so few songs on it! When you can compose your own CD, you can compose a CD with song you all like, not just a few.
But I also listen a lot to internet radio, I don't have that much mp3, so my pirating is pretty limited. I also have some apps (either with expired trials or just pirate versions), but I'm trying to switch to their legal versions as much as possible, like XSI|EXP.

On general I'm anti-warez, but also a bit of a hypocrite because I still use it.
An artist deserves his money for a song, but the record company doesn't deserve the money of a CD. A developer of software deserves the money of the program you use. But then there's the programs I can't afford, like Photoshop. And you would say 'then don't use it, you don't need it' and well.... you're absolutely right, and it's wrong. But atleast I admit it's just plain wrong, no matter how you look at it. But there are tonnes of people who make up stupid excuses to justify it, and they DO piss me off.


Yeah.. But. Just because you admit to it and admit to knowing its wrong, doesn't make you better than those who make all the lame excuses (and almost always bring up mp3's as an excuse.. the most popular one is "how many mp3's do you have on your HDD then huh!?" lol)

anyhoo the point is. You know its wrong and still do it. If anything that makes it worse, as your intentionally breaking the law ;( Atleast those who make up stupid reasons are clearly missing something upstairs


I think this is good news, more power to stop piracy. I especially like the bit about allowing raids. Lets face it, most occurances of piracy is from kids. So once they've been raided, and the parents fined/jailed or something. They wont forget it in a hurry and will ban lil billy from the net. This practice will catch on until most of the annoying kids can no longer be found online. Kill two birds with one stone... I also think if someone is caught stealing anything they should have their hands cut off and prevented from ever claiming any kinds of disability benefits (why let them sponge off the government when its their own damn fault) Now THAT will put people off stealing. Losing your hands.. heh means the little wankers wont be able to, well, wank anymore lol. Punishing pirates.. you just can't help but have fun :E
Seeing 'pop' stars in their big blingbling mansions on TV just seems wrong somehow. If record companies want to stop losing money they shouldnt pay so much to blatently talent-less people (most of whom have their music written for them anyway).

I think apple have the right idea for legitimising mp3 downloads. Pay a few pence to download a high quality mp3 legitimately, saves you searching through loads of poor quality / scrambled mp3s on p2p software. I'd do that.
Har har haarr landlubbin' suckers! I'm a buccaneer, so the laws on pirates don't apply to me! AARRR!!

btw this that steerin' wheel in me crotch is drivin' me nuts..
Fender357 said:
And I really don't like the idea of Companies being able to raid peoples houses and freez bank acounts. Thats just ****ing crazy.

I think Corporations will be eventually be the next type of government people are ruled over anyway so lets get it started. :P
Hoaray for pirates, as soon as me pirate ship is fixed ill be off plundering mp3s again
You could always use that Russian site that sells MP3's for what... a cent per megabyte? Thats worth it, though that may be illegal also, they would get in trouble not the downloader right?
Companies should have no right to raid peoples houses. It should be done purly by the police or other government law enforcement agencies. By all means let compaines fund the law agencies but if some guy from Microsoft came to my house to take my stuff away id just him (them) out...then of course id hide all my computers except the crappy one and wait for the police to come.
Farrowlesparrow said:
By all means let compaines fund the law agencies but if some guy from Microsoft came to my house to take my stuff away id just him (them) out...then of course id hide all my computers except the crappy one and wait for the police to come.

Imagine 30 or 40 Bill Gate clones knocking your door down... hehehe "Serious Sam: The Microsoft Encounter" :sniper:
Well, Apple's files are in Hi-Qaulity ACC format :) which can only be played on iPods :E

Just as well we're all going to buy one ;)

Anyway, I don't pirate games, software or Operating Systems. Or music, anymore :D
mrBadger said:
Well, Apple's files are in Hi-Qaulity ACC format :) which can only be played on iPods :E

Just as well we're all going to buy one ;)

You are just an apple fanatic aren't you? :D

The directive allows companies to raid homes, seize property and ask courts to freeze bank accounts to protect trademarks or intellectual property they believe are being abused or stolen.

that is just a scary thought...imagine a company raiding your home and freezing your bank account... :|
Just to clarify.. Companies wouldn't actually be raiding your house themselves. They'd need to go to court and get permission and all that gubbins first before they could. It just means they'll be able to do that more than they can now. At the moment its difficult and expensive to go through all the red tape. The change to the law would make it easier

I think its a good thing and only those with something to hide would need to worry about it. They'd have to provide plenty of proof you were committing the crime before they'd be granted powers to raid your home and cease equipment
Look at the thread title.. Isn't it supposed to be "TheNerdNews"?

If they come through my door ill have my crowbar ready, no ones taking my mp3s away ;(. Then again they probably wont be able to find it, even my postman usually gets lost.. :D
Fenric said:
Yeah.. But. Just because you admit to it and admit to knowing its wrong, doesn't make you better than those who make all the lame excuses (and almost always bring up mp3's as an excuse.. the most popular one is "how many mp3's do you have on your HDD then huh!?" lol)

anyhoo the point is. You know its wrong and still do it. If anything that makes it worse, as your intentionally breaking the law ;( Atleast those who make up stupid reasons are clearly missing something upstairs

I'm not even trying to be any better than people who make up lame excuses, that's not my intention, and I know the way I do it (damn this makes my sound like a warezmonkey, while I only have very little warez :)) I do it doesn't make me any better.