TheNerdNews: Protest To Aim At Equal Topless Rights


May 20, 2003
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DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Liz Book believes exposed breasts are a part of motorcycle culture, so the Volusia County mother plans to lead a protest of topless women on the last day of Bike Week.

Book hopes to lead 1,000 "top-free" women and men along a half-mile of Main Street at noon Sunday.

"I never want to see another girl handcuffed and crying in the street because she yanked her top," said Book, 42. "Exposed breasts have been a part of the biker lifestyle for more than 50 years."
City officials and police are taking a wait-and-see approach, in part because the city's ordinance allows nudity when it is part of a political protest.
"It all depends on their behavior," said Al Tolley, Daytona Beach police spokesman. "The complexion of any protest can change, and it can turn into a lewd act in a heartbeat."
Kevin Kilian, a vice president of The Chamber-Daytona Beach and Halifax Area, said his group also is opposed to Book's planned protest.
"We as a community make a lot of concessions for our visitors," Kilian said. "It shouldn't be too much to ask that they respect the laws while they're here."

The city's nudity ordinance resulted in fines of $253 each for 59 women who exposed their breasts during last year's Bike Week, which attracts tens of thousands of bikers each year from around the nation, according to police records.
Book herself was arrested in 1998 when she bared her breasts inside the Full Moon Saloon bar.
Women recently have won the right to go top-free in parts of Maine, Vermont and in several provinces of Canada, said Morley Schloss, a retired school administrator who helped decriminalize women's bare breasts in New York in the late 1980s.
A group of women in Brevard County, known as the "Topfree 10," have filed a federal lawsuit seeking the right to go shirtless in nonsexual contexts wherever men do.
"We're fighting for our rights to do what men do," said Lori Mauldin, a sales clerk at a Daytona Beach T-shirt shop who intends to march in the protest. "If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me."

Am I the only one who thinks this line is funny?

"City officials and police are taking a wait-and-see approach"

I will take the stand and say i think its wrong for public nudity.

am i the only one thinking. naked biker babes? Three hundred lb piker babes? pukes.
Fat Tony! said:
Am i the only one thinking pictures!

Negative ;)

Unless they are all old chopper chicks with slinky-style boobs :(

Anyhoo, don't see the problem, only boobs after all....
It's finally being made illegal to take a dump/urinate in public here by St. Patrick's Day... damn...

Anyway... this made me think of that... but I still don't know what to think about this... just as long as I don't get grossed out and made to puke when I'm out for a nice run or something... whatever...
Yeah public nudity is all well and good, but quite frankly i just dont wanna look at most topless bodies. Call me shallow but unless its a fit person, man or woman i dont wanna look at it.
I hope they'll report with alot of photos :drool: .. J/K ..
Well, she's kind of right, just this old afraid-of-everything-so-my-kids-won't-become-perverts-or-criminals that's keeping that back.
I'm not sure I'd like to see tons and tons (maybe literally :P) fat bikerchicks' :eek: breasts, but it sure is lame to make it illegal for women to go topless...
It should atleast be equal, if it's illegal for women it should be illegal for men aswell...

Why is it only illegal for women though? Is it just because we guys are hornier than girls and can't control ourselves properly if we see boobs?? :D
Sorze said:
Why is it only illegal for women though? Is it just because we guys are hornier than girls and can't control ourselves properly if we see boobs?? :D

It's through social conditioning that we men get horny at the sight of boobs. If women went topless as much as men and we saw it all the time we wouldn't be bothered about it, but since boobs are "taboo" everyone starts drooling when someone gets em out.