There goes hope of a GOTY at Gamespot...


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Gamespot said:
Also arriving during that window was Half-Life 2. A half decade in the making, the PC shooter didn't quite meet expectations (which were further raised by a year-plus delay following last year's infamous code heist).
Does Gamespot have some kind of vendetta against this game? Are they the gods that can dictate whether a game met expectations? Aren't there plenty of people who loved it?

It hath made me mad!
(Identify that quote for a mystery prize!)

My un-called for rant aside, this pretty much assures that HL2 will not get GOTY at Gamespot. Is my guess correct, or do I need to stop making such petty and insignificant posts? You decide!

EDIT: Yes, darn it, I'm a fanboy and proud of it!
roflwalker returns

Narcolepsy said:
Are they the gods that can dictate whether a game met expectations?

Look at them in their 3rd person arrogance!! Wankers...:farmer:

How dare they attempt to create facts using such a method. You can't state lies in 3rd person to make them sound like facts. Good journalism you ****ing dropouts G-spot!! LEARN SOME SKILLS SSS!S!ZZ!!!Wjwj1w1 If you're stating an opinion say I!!!

"I thought Half-Life 2 was a let-down"

What idiots...and they get paid for churning out tripe.

Gamespot i rate you 3/10. You didn't live up to my expectations.
Narcolepsy said:
Does Gamespot have some kind of vendetta against this game? Are they the gods that can dictate whether a game met expectations? Aren't there plenty of people who loved it?
The reaction I've found from friends is 'good game, but I got bored and uninstalled it'. I'm posting on a HL2 fan forum and even I think that it dragged just a little in places. One of my top three games of the year for sure, but I wouldn't have it down as an automatic GOTY.

They're not saying it sucked, but expectations were really high after all the 'reviews' and I think many feel it was 'really good' but not quite 'special'.
That must be a typo. The game didn't meet their expectations. Sure, it didn't meet some other people's expectations either which is fair enough but generally it HAS met expectations.
hah! insulting gamespot's journalistic ethics!
they're the only review site that still has them

'"I thought Half-Life 2 was a let-down"

What idiots...and they get paid for churning out tripe.'

since when were game reviews supposed to be objective?
Chris_D said:
That must be a typo. The game didn't meet their expectations. Sure, it didn't meet some other people's expectations either which is fair enough but generally it HAS met expectations.
But they're a cross-platform site of course, so they're going to meet a lot more 'meh' reactions than we would. It wouldn't surprise me if in their experience it didn't seem to meet expectations. Certainly from reading other news sites I saw a lot of 'well, I picked HL2 up eventually and I thought it was pretty good but the NPC's sucked' or whatever.

Actually, I'd love to see a poll on this (if it could stay sensible) ; now that the hype has settled a bit whether people really think it was 'amazing' rather than just 'great while it lasted'. Maybe I'm just out of touch with what the rest of you think :)
theyve had a grudge against HL2 for a while. i personally have had my expectations surpassed. even now as i play through parts for a second or third time, i still find them to be some of the coolest gaming moments ive had in a long time.
Mr-Fusion said:

Look at them in their 3rd person arrogance!! Wankers...:farmer:

How dare they attempt to create facts using such a method. You can't state lies in 3rd person to make them sound like facts. Good journalism you ****ing dropouts G-spot!! LEARN SOME SKILLS SSS!S!ZZ!!!Wjwj1w1 If you're stating an opinion say I!!!

"I thought Half-Life 2 was a let-down"

What idiots...and they get paid for churning out tripe.

Gamespot i rate you 3/10. You didn't live up to my expectations.
I'm trying to figure out if you're mocking me or not. I have no problem with Gamespot saying that it didn't meet their expectations, but they should not dictate that it "did not meet expectations" period. I've dabbled in journalism myself, and that is simply bad journalism.
maybe you forgot..they gave it a 9.2 out of 10

edit: well TD edited his ridiculous comment, so I'm going to do it too
jimmyjam said:
fanboys = hilarious
Your at a HL² fan site, what do you expect, us to bad mouth the game and praise Halo 2? :dozey:

Honestly gamespot rarely reflects my own views, so I don't pay much mind to their score and just look at the news or demos/previews.
Narcolepsy said:
I'm trying to figure out if you're mocking me or not. I have no problem with Gamespot saying that it didn't meet their expectations, but they should not dictate that it "did not meet expectations" period. I've dabbled in journalism myself, and that is simply bad journalism.
No i'm not mocking you.

I'm clearly mocking gspot. I also have beef with them stating opinion in way that is presented as fact. They've been drilled to write in 3rd person all their lives but with subjective commentary it just sounds ridiculous and amateurish. The least they could have done is pointed out that "Half-Life 2 did not live up to Gamespots expectations". ..the least!
I am at a hl2 fansite.. agreed
if you look at the join dates, I've been at a hl2 fansite for as long as you
note that I'm not freaking out that gspot won't pick hl2
so why should it be so hard for me to believe that others who are at a hl2 fansite should be equally reasonable?
jimmyjam said:
maybe you forgot..they gave it a 9.2 out of 10

edit: well TD edited his ridiculous comment, so I'm going to do it too
ridiculous? how was that ridiculous?
jimmyjam said:
I am at a hl2 fansite.. agreed
if you look at the join dates, I've been at a hl2 fansite for as long as you
note that I'm not freaking out that gspot won't pick hl2
so why should it be so hard for me to believe that others who are at a hl2 fansite should be equally reasonable?

Agree, I'm not going bonkers over it either. I just find the word Fanboy over used like the word gay. We are all fanboys of something or another.
Mr-Fusion said:
They've been drilled to write in 3rd person all their lives but with subjective commentary it just sounds ridiculous and amateurish.
Hmm, different types of journalism though. 3rd person and 'objectivity' works better for an academic paper/etc than for a games website.
... pointed out that "Half-Life 2 did not live up to Gamespots expectations". ..the least!
That sounds almost pompous, and doesn't flow as well as a sentence. I'm sure they wrote it this way because a) they believe it and b) it's better writing.
Thadius Dean: that a 9.2 was not liking it? not loving it (like all those other, awesome publications)?
Ah, google's now my friend.
Act 3, scene 1... umm, context isn't described by google.
Narcolepsy said:
Good, good...
Now, name the Act, Scene, and context. (I'm sorry, I just finished my English exam today.)
Act III, Scene i, talking to Ophelia, pretending I remembered that without using google, exeunt.

See, is educational!
Originally Posted by Narcolepsy
Does Gamespot have some kind of vendetta against this game?

Think of it this way: Gamespot makes money from advertising, and advertisers pay Gamespot for having a lot of traffic.

What better way to get attention than to be different? GS knows IGN, GameSpy, most likely PCGamer, and probably a host of others will give it GoY honors. HL2 was #2 all time on the last I checked.

And considering this year had a TON of good FPS and other games (one of the best gaming years ever), picking something else is not a large leap.

So, they can choose another AAA+ game, get attention for being different... again, it is a game media company. Look at journalism in general... just watch the GS TV thing or their reviews of games like MP 2, CoR, FC, etc... they have their own preferences and feelings. Actually, from their final hour deal, they seem to be pretty proud of the fact they were able to hound Newell and get a scoop on HL2 and run with it. It is journalism... what, in this day and age, is all about money and causing news.
koopa said:
Act III, Scene i, talking to Ophelia, pretending I remembered that without using google, exeunt.

See, is educational!
Describe the irony in Hamlet's line. If Google can give you that, I'm incredibly impressed.

Think of it this way: Gamespot makes money from advertising, and advertisers pay Gamespot for having a lot of traffic.

What better way to get attention than to be different? GS knows IGN, GameSpy, most likely PCGamer, and probably a host of others will give it GoY honors. HL2 was #2 all time on the last I checked.

And considering this year had a TON of good FPS and other games (one of the best gaming years ever), picking something else is not a large leap.

So, they can choose another AAA+ game, get attention for being different... again, it is a game media company. Look at journalism in general... just watch the GS TV thing or their reviews of games like MP 2, CoR, FC, etc... they have their own preferences and feelings. Actually, from their final hour deal, they seem to be pretty proud of the fact they were able to hound Newell and get a scoop on HL2 and run with it. It is journalism... what, in this day and age, is all about money and causing news.
Excellent post.
OR they actually felt that way? Are you people that naive to think that everybody loves hl2? you've read these forums right?
gamespot is probably the only major gaming publication that isn't on the take (or at least doesn't make it obvious), their reviews are honest, and they don't pull punches
I think it's ridiculous to characterize them as the kind of people who would only give it a 9.2 as a stunt
Describe the irony in Hamlet's line.
Actually it can, there are plenty of 'revision guides' and stuff out there explaining the whole madness/etc thing. I did my English/Hamlet exams 10 years ago, don't want to go back :)

Acert93 said:
What better way to get attention than to be different? GS knows IGN, GameSpy, most likely PCGamer, and probably a host of others will give it GoY honors. HL2 was #2 all time on the last I checked.

And considering this year had a TON of good FPS and other games (one of the best gaming years ever), picking something else is not a large leap.
You're contradicting yourself a little here. If there is a good case for picking another fps than you can't really accuse them of deliberately being different (since they might genuinely feel FarCry or whatever is better). It's easy to blame the $$$, but in this case they gave HL2 a very positive review - the couple of negative points they have were picked up by others and on the forum. So it's hard for me to see how this is anything other than just their opinion, not the money.
I didn't read the rest of this thread.. but I found it interesting the Gravity gun wasn't included in the Best Original Game Mechanic.

Also interesting is how Halo 2 is in Most Disappointing while HL2 isn't. Methinks they assigned somebody to write the intro and somebody else to write the awards. ;)
it balances out the fact that one of these other publications (I think it was edge, who have been sucking hl2's dick since...oh...well since they got to be the first publication with word of hl2...not fishy at all!) gave hl2 the award for most innovative
the ****?
can I get a katamari damacy?
They said Half-Life 2 didn't quite meet their expectations but the expectations were stellar anyway.

Also if Half-Life 2 was a disappointment why wasn't it nominated for The Biggest Disappoinment award like Halo 2 and Doom 3?

Gamespot can be funny sometimes, but thier still one of the best sites around.
Gamespot were like me, I was hyped for Hl2, adll those vids, pics, and promises. When I played it, I was desapointed, it was good, but no THAT good. Over hype can kill a game.
Gamestop is retarded did you guys watch the video interview of hl2? They prove themselves wrong like 3 times.
when are people going to realize that gamestop does stupid things to anger games fanbase. they get more hits for defaming games then they would if they praised them.
Adrien C said:
Gamespot were like me, I was hyped for Hl2, adll those vids, pics, and promises. When I played it, I was desapointed, it was good, but no THAT good. Over hype can kill a game.

Promises? They made promises? I wish I knew which promises you speak of.