there is a current hardware logic I don't understand.


Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
I have looked at the specs of the 3d card ATI is pumping out for the Xbox 1.5. To me it seems ridiculous. First, PCs are ATI's market, and whatever fortune they have, we gave it to them by buying their cards. They have dedicated customers who change their 600$ cards yearly. Yet they are going to give some shit-reputation console, something three times more powerful than the previewed R520. For a measly 300$. the card must be what, 80$? what the hell? doesn't anyone else feel extremely ripped off? If ATI doesn't thoroughly own it's xbox card within a year from now, i'm off the market until some company emplying common sense shows up.

please I would like in my thread that nobody pretends the Xbox is not the backstreet boys of video gaming: present on the scene exclusively because of money.
just buy an exbox tear out the card rip the drivers and hey presto :)
They are making a lot of money by providing the card for so many people. As for ripped off. I do think they rip me off but then again everything is. An ati card costs about 80 bucks or so (i forget the real number was on the net a while ago). They can probably product the XBOX360 card for almost nothing as it is mass produced. Then again look at hearing aids (grandpa needs 1) they retail for about $1000 and has about $2 worth of parts. I have seen them make one and it is not complex either. Everything is a ripoff. I guess I will need to work for ATI to get one cheap. Good thing they are based in ontario about 4 hours away from me in sudbury.
Xbox = console, Xbox != PC. The cards used in the Xbox are very different than those for the PC. You won't see an embedded DRAM for antialiasing on a Vid card for the PC. You can't compare only the clock speeds. The design for the Xbox version has been made for HDTV so that there is not a big drop in performance. Don't forget that on a PC, there are tons of things to consider, each PC is different, both the hardware and software. Consoles are made for gaming that's why they perform better in games. You can't compare.