There is alot of dog sledding in canada!

If you're still Proud To Be An American™ after that....
Canada punishes its friends and rewards its enemies? What the flying sheep shit?

This is ****ing rich.

"They need us. They better hope that the United States doesn't roam over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent."

Well, well, well. It's good to see that we're trying to dispel the image of America as a war-mongering fascist nation.

Anne Coulter should get back in the ****ing kitchen and bake me a pie.
If someone happened to accidentally kill Anne Coulter, I think I could sleep very easily that night.

I don't get how she can even believe the crap she spews out. Perhaps she's taking such ridiculous stances so every extreme Republican will celebrate her as their Michael Moore.
Just out of interest guys, is that kind of BS common on the TV?

It's for reasons like those idiots I don't always believe in the free voice of the media.

Ha! Dog sledding, what a dick.
No need to worry people there are smart republicans out there, just pick up WIRED, best mag in the world IMO.
Who is this bitch Anne Coulter? Is she some kind of politican or something? Its completeley unbelivable that a serious network allow her to talk like that..another idiot i hate is Bill O´reilly what a jackass! Im glad all republicans dont act like that.
h00dlum said:
Who is this bitch Anne Coulter? Is she some kind of politican or something? Its completeley unbelivable that a serious network allow her to talk like that..another idiot i hate is Bill O´reilly what a jackass! Im glad all republicans dont act like that.

Anne Coutler is part of the extreme right. She's not a politician, and she's hardly loved by all. Last time she gave a speech two men jumped onto the stage and threw pies at her. She does have her follwing though.
The other man, Tucker, is one of the hosts of CNN's crossfire, and a show on PBS I believe. He's an ass at times (like in that video), but not as bad, in my opinion, as Anne.
I actually found what she said funny...but she is still a dumbass yankee. :|
Tr0n said:
I actually found what she said funny...but she is still a dumbass yankee. :|
They should just let us do all the talkin'...we talk purtier, anyways.
damn canadians, if seh was 10 year longer, hmmmm
burner69 said:
Just out of interest guys, is that kind of BS common on the TV?

It's for reasons like those idiots I don't always believe in the free voice of the media.

Ha! Dog sledding, what a dick.

Its a debate show. Not news, entertainment.

I wanted to see the responses, I dont like how they edited the video.
seinfeldrules said:
Its a debate show. Not news, entertainment.

I wanted to see the responses, I dont like how they edited the video.

Oh yeah I understand that, but I'm just wondering is this totally idiotic hatred of canada common at all in the states?

I would have loved to see the responses too, but it still stands that what they said was shocking! :O :O
Oh yeah I understand that, but I'm just wondering is this totally idiotic hatred of canada common at all in the states?
No, most people dont even think of Canada to be quite honest.
seinfeldrules said:
No, most people dont even think of Canada to be quite honest.
Yup, just another place where you can buy Cuban Cigars.
seinfeldrules said:
No, most people dont even think of Canada to be quite honest.
Yeah, now maybe if Canada had a badass army with polar bears that shot laser beams, we'd give them a second glance.
shes kind of hot...

tucker carlson.. however.. is just an idiot. a ****ing idiot.
gh0st said:
shes kind of hot...

tucker carlson.. however.. is just an idiot. a ****ing idiot.

Seriously true. And she's a collumist. Does that not bother anyone in the slightest?

Lol, I loved her response to "We give you electricity" just kind of stare for a second then yack crap.
Seriously true. And she's a collumist. Does that not bother anyone in the slightest?
Why should it bother anyone? She is reporting a political bias, nobody takes it as actual news, just a viewpoint they can agree or disagree with.
I personally disagree with this Ann person. Her views seem quite extreme and seperate from mine. I happen to love Canada, and respect the Canadians. I have a load of Canadian friends, and i'd like to keep it that way. Besides, thats my retiring spot when the day comes.

EDIT: Besides, there's alot more dog sledding in Alaska than Canada. Heh. And nothing wrong with it.
My dogsledding efforts so far have been unsuccessful.
I'm thinking of getting a second dog and see if the redundancy helps.
Direwolf said:
My dogsledding efforts so far have been unsuccessful.
I'm thinking of getting a second dog and see if the redundancy helps.

LOL, you cruel cruel man.

As a Canadian all I can say is..... if that Anne lady doesn't watch her mouth, I just might run her over with my sleigh.
Bait said:

As a Canadian all I can say is..... if that Anne lady doesn't watch her mouth, I just might run her over with my sleigh.

Okay Santa Clause :E
Raziaar said:
Okay Santa Clause :E

HoHoHo! If the States invades Canada, there is going to be a very naughty boy by the name of George Dubya on the top of my list! HoHoHo!