There is something VERY wrong with my computer.

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
My PC's been acting very weirdly over the last two or three days. IT seems it's decided it doesn't like taking on new information.
I downloaded a song, listened to it, moved it aboutand added it to my playlist and ther next time I start up my computer, the song's gone, not only from my computer but also from the playlist.
I ripped a cd with iTunes - BAM! It's completely disappeared.
I saved a picture I did in Photoshop - the bloody computer got rid of it. Completely disappeared.
Yesterday's history list in firefox - nothing.

And to cap it all off, it's decided it doesn't like starting up properly. It either hangs at the Windows loading screen or restarts itself just before it gets to that. The only way I can get into windows is either through safe mode or "Last known working configuration" thing.
I'm doing a virus scan now. I bet it comes up with diddly squat.
Which sounds like the name of a midget rapper.
That would be SO awesome.

Could re-installing windows help?
Do you have a SATA hard disk? if yes, is the SATA cable connecting your HDD to your mobo red?
Sounds like your Hard Drive is drunk.
Are you sure the files are not hidden? I've never actually heard of a pc saving stuff with 'hidden' as a default value, but computers surprise me every time.
Gunner - Yes and yes.

hungryduck - I doubt it (or at least I bloody hope not), as it's less than two months old.

The Brick - Yes, as I've done a complete search with "Search system folders" "Search hidden files and folders" and "Search subfolders" all checked, plus I always have "Show hidden files and folders" checked in my folder options.

PsychoFreak - I know D:
Cheers man, I'll check that out!
Although it doesn't explain the not-loading-windows-properly problem.
Not that I don't appreciate your advice you understand.
Try and put in a HD in your computer and see if you can store things on it. If you can, you know that something is wrong with the HD. My money is on a broken HD. And btw whats the manufacturer of the HD and how old is it?
It's a Seagate Barracuda, and is less than two months old.
Seagate is pretty good and the HD is pretty much new. I still say try another HD though.
ive never heard of an sata cable not sending stuff to the hardrive it would indeed have to be the hard drive it self. could be the reading arm is ruined, because all the stuff would be saved in memory before the computer is turned off.