There may now be a potential way to wipe out AIDS

Pfft, now about less careless sex / sex altogether? That could work
Yey now we can have sex with EVERYONE (EVERYTHING is still being reviewed) :imu:
coming soon to a third world country near you? only several months wages
Beerdude26 said:
Yey now we can have sex with EVERYONE (EVERYTHING is still being reviewed) :imu:


This would be a good breakthrough...however we should still focus on abstinence as other STDs are still a major problem and condoms don't do much anything except stop aids/pregnancy(when they work).
Septih said:
coming soon to a third world country near you? only several months wages
Well the Americans spend more money on Porn per year than the entire debt of Sub-saharan Africa. If they cut their porn by half they could probably wipe it all out at no cost to some of the third world countries.

If it could save a poor African, I'll quit Jerking off for ramadan. ;)
Glirk Dient said:

This would be a good breakthrough...however we should still focus on abstinence as other STDs are still a major problem and condoms don't do much anything except stop aids/pregnancy(when they work).
And STD's :p

The only thing people will still get are cooties D:
"There may now be a potential way to wipe out AIDS "

kill everybody in the whole world mwahaha
Glirk Dient said:

This would be a good breakthrough...however we should still focus on abstinence as other STDs are still a major problem and condoms don't do much anything except stop aids/pregnancy(when they work).

they have a 98% success rate; when used with a spermicidal ..85% without but that's only in preventing pregnancy a means of protecting against stds it has a higher sucess rate ..they "work"

oh and surely you cant be serious when saying that society should focus on abstinence ..that's completely unrealistic
Well, let's try not to debate how unrealistic abstinence would be, and let's just goddamn hope that they can actually finally find a cure for AIDs. :)
So, which company is going to grab this and sell it for a goldmine?

But I'm very optimistic that at the very least we are getting close to curing diseases. If only we were close enough to getting these drugs to the people that need it.
-however we should still focus on abstinence

Or just educate people in safe sex.
Abstinence has failed the third world, thats what humans do... f**k!
The Cure was the last member of the COBRA unit in MGS3 that was cut from the game.

Also : If scientists were to genetically alter the HIV virus to be extemely and quickly lethal, AIDS would self-destruct.
Didnt The Cure do She Sells Sanctuary? and have Matt Sorum as drummer at one point? If so, they cool :D
I say no more sex! Then no more aids. OBEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......................rawr \m/
Abstinence? I always manage to LOL when I hear that word. How about if everyone just burn their genitals to a useless lump of scar tissue between their legs? Would be much more realistic than abstinence.