Thermal paste on processor?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
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I just bought Athlon 3000+ on Allegro (Polish version of e-Bay). The guy who was selling it said that he includes some thermal paste for free. Well the thermal paste is already smeared on top of the processor, while I heard it has to be smeared on the bottom of the cooling fan that touches the top of the processor. It looks like it doesn't matter, the paste touches both the processor and fan anyway, but still I would like to be sure if the paste can be smeared on the processor?
I do it that way myself. :D
It doesn't make a difference...its just whatever is easiest for you. I find it hard to find the right place on the heatsink to put the paste since it has to line up right.
Spend the money buying some Artic Silver 5 and some rubbing alcohol and clean off the stuff he put on. Frankly I wouldn't trust whatever he did.
blahblahblah said:
Spend the money buying some Artic Silver 5 and some rubbing alcohol and clean off the stuff he put on. Frankly I wouldn't trust whatever he did.
ditto^^ artic silver 5 is the best. Your suppose to clean it off and reapply it everytime you take off the heatsink unless you have a thermal pad.
Actually don't reapply a thermal pad either!
My friend just called me cause he did that and his CPU won't boot, as it beeps at him, because his CPU is now overheating within about 3 seconds.
Maybe I should send this guy that thing back and say I thought the paste would be included but in a tube (that's true). I wanted to buy a mobo and a heatsink for it but if it's fu**ed up I would probably lose the money. What do you think?
Is he sending the paste in a tube? I doubt he just smeared in on and said im including free thermal paste.

You should probably email him and asked him if he cleaned off the old stuff.
Actually I asked my friend to buy the processor for my money as my account hasn't been activated yet and his was. My friend said the p[rocessor was delivered and that the paste is already on the processor. What do you think I should do?
Remove the stuff that is on there right now and then put on artic silver.

This is from arctic silvers website.

Removal Instructions (From Hardware)
1. Arctic Silver thermal compound can easily be removed from hardware using the proper cleaners and tools. For general clean-up, a cloth or paper towel will work well. Intricate cleaning can be accomplished with Q-tip swabs. An old toothbrush can often get the compound out of crevices that other tools cannot reach.
The recommended cleaners are:

CPU Core:
Use high-purity isopropyl alcohol or acetone and a bit of careful rubbing.
Do not use nail polish remover as it contains fragrance oils and other contaminants.
(If you use acetone, do a final cleaning with isopropyl alcohol.)

Use xylene based products (Goof Off, some carburetor cleaners and many brake cleaners.), mineral spiritsm or high-purity isopropyl alcohol.

Once you have applied a thermal grease or melted a thermal pad onto a heatsink, it is impossible to remove all of the grease or pad from the microscopic valleys in the heatsink using standard cleaning chemicals and paper or fabric towels. Any subsequent thermal material will be applied over the remnants of the original material.

Never use any oil or petroleum based cleaners (WD-40, citrus oil based grease removers and many automotive degreasers) on the base of a heatsink. The oil, which is engineered to not evaporate, will fill in the microscopic valleys in the metal and significantly reduce the effectiveness of any subsequently applied thermal compound.

CPU Ceramic:
Use any of the following cleaners.

Any dish detergent. (Dawn, Lux, Palmolive, Etc.)
Do not use soap for an automatic dishwasher to clean a CPU.

WD-40, citrus based cleaners.

Xylene based products. (Goof Off, some carburetor cleaners and many brake cleaners.)

Mineral spirits. (Be careful to keep the mineral spirits away from the core.)

Once the majority of the compound has been removed from the ceramic, small patches remaining on the ceramic can be 'erased' with a soft eraser.

2. If you use any of the suggested products to remove Arctic Silver thermal compound from the CPU ceramic or heatsink base, always do a final cleaning with isopropyl alcohol to remove any residue from the cleaner.

Scroll down to the bottem of the page.
Thz for the response everyone. I just asked a fellow computer technician and he said there should be no problem. If there is he recommended, as you also have, removing the paste with something softh and applying some new paste. Well I'll see what happens and if the processor doesn't work I will reapply the paste.
Definately don't use paste that's already on there, that's dodgy. If it has dirt or something in it, even dead skin cells, will hamper the contact. Don't even screw with it, or it will be more mess for you to clean up.

Wipe it clean with alcohol or metho then apply some new paste out of a sealed tube or sachet.