They released whats going to be the big secret in this months release of PC gamer

So it's Quake IV, and all it gets it that lousy cover that looks like a 5 minute photoshop? At least it's a game that's worthy of PC Gamer's hype.
yeah, looks like hl2 really is headed for a november release. Too bad.
Hardcore310 said:
yeah, looks like hl2 really is headed for a november release. Too bad.

Please explain the logic behind your conclusion?
Hardcore310 said:
yeah, looks like hl2 really is headed for a november release. Too bad.

Just because its not going to be in this issue doesnt mean it cant makea october release. We know all that valve wants us to know right now with hl2, they dont want anything spoiled before its out for a couple weeks and this issue comes out in 2 weeks and hl2 obviously is not going to be ready then
quake4 is earth shattering, i admit it. i didnt think it could be anything but HL2, but i was proven wrong :(
"this confirms the november hl2 release date"

How the hell does this confirm a November release date?!? Did anyone HONESTLY think that the "big news" was going to be a Half Life 2 review? If you did, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.

You do realize that magazine articles are a good while before their publication right? If Half Life 2 had not yet gone gold, how could PC Gamer possibly review it? Come on people - let's use just a little logic here.

I honestly thought the BIG NEWS was going to be a Sims 2 review so I'm actually glad that it's a Quake IV preview.
tokin said:
HL2 is so coming out in November... :(

Yeah Ill bet money it is....ther is no way for a sep or really oct date IMO ..... I dont know how people can think sep 30 is possible I really wish it was but its retailers are wrong huh??

Anyways yeah this is better news than sims 2 tho Im interested in seeing how they use the D3 engine for a MP game.
Quake IV will rule Half-Life 2. There I saids teh bda word.
I are going to jack-0ff to that picture.
I think Quake IV will be better than Half-Life 2, personally.
This thread got onto a topic that should be in General Gaming(Quake 4) but parts were still HL2 General Discussion...

You can find the Quake 4 thread Here

Tredoslop said:
Quake IV will rule Half-Life 2. There I saids teh bda word.
I are going to jack-0ff to that picture.
I think Quake IV will be better than Half-Life 2, personally.
Wow, please tell us everything you know from the secret preview you were given!
If people want to talk about Quake4, they'll just have to find another forum, because I don't want to see this forum becoming a hl2 & quake4 comparison paradise. The Quake games are just like the Doom games. Aim and fire, aim and fire, aim and fire, enter next room, aim and fire, aim and fire, aim and fire .. Booooring.. We need a good story, that's why we're all exited about HL2.

I'm sure Q4 will look great, but it will probably not have a decent story if they follow in the footsteps of Q1, Q2 and Q3.

Long live Half-Life 2!
Quake 4.. r o f l my ass off and wetting my pants. :burp:

The only thing Quake 4 is gonna rule, is Quake 1, 2 and 3 ... r o f l my ass off and souling my pants now :eek: :flame:
i say we should see hl2 before or after thanksgiving.. after that we will be thanking valve for giving us the game :p
Quake 4? Man, yet another awesome game in development... 'dis a great time to be a gamer.
quake 4? WICKED! this game is NOT made by iD, so i bet it will have a story and good gameplay. :naughty:
Striker said:
i say we should see hl2 before or after thanksgiving.. after that we will be thanking valve for giving us the game :p

You just covered everything except Thanksgiving Day itself. I like those odds!
QUAD DAMAGE! /blue glow & nrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound effects.

Oh the memories :thumbs: Quake was my first competitive FPS, then QuakeWorld and Quake 2. Finally CS (but I've since hung up my competitve deagle due to hax0rz and exploiters). I didn't like Quake 3 at all. Here's to hoping that Q4 ends up the spiritual successor to Quake 1 + 2 :)