Thief 3: Deadly Shadows Review

Errrr... not downloading a doc. But yeah, Thief III is pretty good, but Ion Storm won't release the SDK... so when you play it through it goes on the shelf and gets forgotten, unlike Thief I and II.
StardogChampion said:
Errrr... not downloading a doc. But yeah, Thief III is pretty good, but Ion Storm won't release the SDK... so when you play it through it goes on the shelf and gets forgotten, unlike Thief I and II.

Oh noes I can't download 28KB of a Word Document, I'm too lazy :rolleyes:

:cheers: :farmer:

I need to put in my Raves section.
I did like Thief 3 despite some of its faults. Overall it really was a solid game, and the atmosphere was just spot on (Overlook, Shalebridge). I enjoyed it :)