Things seem to be lookin' up!


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm right,
Well if you guys remember I was pretty depressed a couple of weeks ago and things just crumbled for me. But guess what, things are better now!

I'm waiting for the bank to call and verify my loan for the car i'm going to get (decent 98' Saturn SL2.. not real fancy but good n' cheap :) )

And most importantly!!!! I've finally quit smoking!!!!!
Its been one whole week since my last cigarette which is a real accomplishment for me. I was a pack to a pack and a half smoker a day, for over 7 years, but no more I say. And I feel soooo much better.

Thanks for listening guys. Some of you really helped me through that hard time with your kind words and I can't thank you enough. I wish all my friends here at the best in the world. Good luck to you all.

Good work, and thats some awesome progress with smoking. :D

I know I did'nt help exactly...well, who the **** am I kidding? I did'nt help at all! But congradulations anyway. Glad things are lookin' up for yah.
I'm glad you quit smoking, I've been trying to get my brother and several friend's to quit. But they won't listen :(
Thanks guys, and disturbed, I was like that for a while as well. But trust me, whoever the smoker is has to want to quit for themselves. You really can't do it for anyone else. And to tell the truth, it hasn't been near as difficult as I thought it would be :) Don't try to force the whole scare tactic on them, just encourage them to. Tell them you know they can do it. 99.9% of the time, that person really wants to quit anyway, but doesn't believe he/she can.
Nice to see things looking up for you. Imagine how much money you will save by quit smoking.
blahblahblahblah- I have imagined that, its gonna be around 20 bucks a week :) (80 bucks a month, over 800 a year) it adds up eh?

Kerboeros- A friend of mine had quit for a couple of months and I've just kind of sat back and admired his conviction to quit smoking and I just finally said screw it, and haven't went back since. I still have to tell myself in my head not to think or worry about smoking, but after the 2nd and 3rd day I barely even thought of cigarettes. My advice to anyone who wants to try and quit, just do it. The money you say, the health you save, and the better you feel, look, and smell are definately worth it!
welcome to the unreal world of pink lovable bunnies.
Sprafa said:
welcome to the unreal world of pink lovable bunnies.
Truly is a wonderfull place of wonder thats full huh.
wow innervision that takes a lot of will power to quit cold turkey, kudos!!!

glad to see you're feeling better :)
Heh sound like you have some incredible willpower. Most people crumble when they try and stop smoking whilst you make it sound easy :D
Huzzah! Good for you dude (about no longer feeling depressed)! And totally wonderful that you quit smoking. It's a nasty habit and every time I hear someone say they've quit I get excited. :)

Keep smiling man! :D
Thanks guys, thanks for the support!

Oh and just to note I've probably tried to quit smoking two or three other times but never made it past a day or two :). But I think the worst is behind me now, and to add to it, the bank just called. I got my loan, all I need to do is go sign the papers :E
well done, depression is one hard ****er to beat down. im glad things are going well... may they long continue to.
lol at lil timmy

And W00t! Just got back from teh bank, my loan is a go, all I have to do is deliver the check to the car lot and the car is mine muahahahahaha.
be careful, the government is watching you... dont do anythin suspicious or theyll murder youor take you away....