Third Scout Unlock: Force-A-Nature


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
We all knew what the third unlock was going to be called, and now Valve have spilt the beans on how the 'Force-A-Nature' is going to work. There is also a vote for the community, upon which Valve will determine the order the unlocks will be made available to us. In addition Valve added a new item to their store - 'Force - A -Nature' T-shirt.
[br]<div align="center"></div>
[br]To see the full updates you can visit the scout update site here.
You see the mail coupon order? I'm hoping millions of fans send it to Valve. :p Also Portuguese bull fighters. You sure it isn't Mexican or like the Boston Scout Valve?
i can't wait for this and i cast my vote for this new weapon here
I told you all that it would just be a powerful shotgun! Sounds pretty awesome though.
Cool we even get to vote for which unlock is first awesome the shotgun got my vote! Awesome job with that page by Valve really like the way they did it instead of like some crummy patch notes they actually made it fun.
That's the best Valve t-shirt I have ever seen.
It's not just a more powerful shotty. It's a more powerful shotty with knock-back (I'm thinking it's like airblast, except dealing damage and not spammable) and a jumping mechanic.

What did you expect? None of the primary unlockables have been a fundamentally different type of weapon so far -- blutslaugher is a needlegun, natascha is a minigun, backburner is a flamethrower, and now the force-a-nature is a shotgun.
I lol'd at the "%100 Guaranteed to be made in portugal"

Also, the force-a-nature will win the poll, after all... the poll is attached to an advertisement for it... :upstare:

I wonder what the last spot is?

the new game mode
It'll make for picking off scouts in the sky more fun.

I voted Bonk energy drink. Although I probably won't be playing scout for a couple weeks since 90% of the player base will be scout once the update is out.
Wouldn't it just suck if Tuesday's post was "hey guys the update is out today have fun".
It'll make for picking off scouts in the sky more fun.

I voted Bonk energy drink. Although I probably won't be playing scout for a couple weeks since 90% of the player base will be scout once the update is out.
Think of it as something that won't really happen again, scout wars man!
I voted shotty.
I'm Portuguese and I'm looking forward to this update like a poor hard working man looks forward to payday.
I'm quite disappointed... All these scout unlocks are dumb and quite overpowered, for an already overpowered class

I didn't like one of them, their concepts, and for instance, BONK, it's almost like a legalized cheat.

I don't like the scout anyway, but now they will be able to annoy me even further :/

I want spy update, then I'll LOVE burning them into ashes :]
lol overpowered? All of those had negative side effects which the non-upgraded weapons otherwise dont.
I voted for the Force-A-Nature, and it's taken the lead. Sandman should come last IMO.

Me, I'll probably stick with the Medic for the mean time so I can finally get 'Does is hurt when I do this?' and 'You'll feel a little prick'.
This makes me want to get into TF2 again. I fscking love double barrel shotguns and hard hitting/slow reload style weapons in DM games. DB shotties are so fun in FPSs
I'm quite disappointed... All these scout unlocks are dumb and quite overpowered, for an already overpowered class

I didn't like one of them, their concepts, and for instance, BONK, it's almost like a legalized cheat.

I don't like the scout anyway, but now they will be able to annoy me even further :/

I want spy update, then I'll LOVE burning them into ashes :]

Overpowered what
Definitely some interesting unlocks, just means I'll be playing engineer for a week or two after the update, no biggie.

Interesting that Valve have decided that the scout part of a scout is becoming worthless so they've started to make it an annoying harassment class that annoys you by harassing you.

Before they were just free kills.
From the poll, the Primary weapon maybe the first unlockable. This is a shame because I liked the way the other unlockables were acquired

Secondary Weapon (Bonk) -> Primary Weapon (Shotty) -> Melee (Sandman)

Despite all this I voted the sandman for president :p
I'm not keen on the order of unlocks being based on voting either.

You see the mail coupon order? I'm hoping millions of fans send it to Valve. :p Also Portuguese bull fighters. You sure it isn't Mexican or like the Boston Scout Valve?

What? They have bull-fighting in Portugal.
That shotgun looks like the one from Road Warrior, a Hudson I think.
not that this will be news to anyone - but it looks like they closed the poll and the force-a-nature won with 42% of the vote
surely they should reverse the order of the poll, so that the unlockable the people most want takes the most effort to attain...
and for instance, BONK, it's almost like a legalized cheat.


So how do you feel about being ubered? That is one of the most overpowered cheat like functionality in TF2. But since its been there from the begining no one questions it.
I am very disappointed that VALVe didn't take the opportunity to say that this was made in Germany and that "you know the Germans make good stuff".
Well what are you doing here, man? Get to it!

EDIT: ChiliFan was right, the third page sucks.