This blows no official Valve hl2 multiplayer.. then again this is Doug speaking

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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Q. Are there any plans for a standalone Half-Life 2 multiplayer part, deathmatch, co-op, somewhere down the line?

Doug Lombardi: Nope.
this topic is old. cs:s is the only mp and we all already know it.
please please please please please please pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee stop bitching about HL2 not having Deathmatch etc,
The decision has been made, get over it, move on, make a deathmatch mod when the SDK is released....Problem Solvered
We will actually have two multiplayer components, Day of Defeat: Source as well as Counter-Strike: Source, so I don't see why people are complaining.
Oxygenetic said:
We will actually have two multiplayer components, Day of Defeat: Source as well as Counter-Strike: Source, so I don't see why people are complaining.

same 2 games we've been playing since hl1 days just with a facelift. Also I find it kind-of sad that Valve didnt try to make hl2 have it's own orginal mp.
Evil^Milk said:
well, not everyone likes dods or css. i do, though :D

then they can choose from one of the other dozens of mods that are being produced
Evil^Milk said:
well, not everyone likes dods or css. i do, though :D

I think it's cool... but i'l get bored quick.. they're the exact same games. It's like if they released Unreal III with 2 popular mods re-done on the new technology.. sort-of cool but sort-of been there done that. Considering the games werent even orginal properties of Valve until they bought them. I'l just amuse myself with 3'rd party mods.
no *original* multiplayer is what people are getting at i think. and those people saying "they can easily going to include some kind of multiplayer later" have now been silenced.
The question was worded terribly; the interviewer's inclusion of the word "standalone" was a poor choice because it implies that this hypothetical product could be purchased separately from Half-Life 2, like the standalone version of TFC that existed for a while. Not to mention the question is so vague and all-inclusive that if I were Doug I'd just say "...uhh, no?" and wonder why Gamespy still exists.
What most people think is that their magical mods just appear. It takes a lot of work to polish a mod up to the expectations most of you have - probably to the caliber of CS and DOD before they were bought by valve.
I really think that not having some sort of original multiplayer is absolutely moronic. Of course I don't play HLDM anymore, but it was fun when HL1 just came out. I remember playing that for hours on end with my neighbour on our lan, trying new maps and the bots that were in progress WAAAAy back.
Valve is just lazy I think. I'll wait for TF2 I think for HOPEFULLY an original multiplayer game.
Ah poo I had no idea there would be no MP at release. Huff.
If HL DM came out, I'd personally get tired of HL DM, CS:S, and DoD:S, instead of just CS:S and DoD:S. Gameplay types are all the same, so what's going to make it better for me? Nothing. Graphics are just cosmetics, I'll play for 2 weeks ooo'ing and ahhh'in in DoD: S just like I did in CS: S and then sit here and think of other things to do.

I just hope they release HL DM for modmakers. And for LAN party crews that can't support 6 or more players.
They made hl2 a singleplayer game... then later we'll buy TF2 for a multiplayer game...

too bad they did it this way, but they did.

and darn it, I know I'll buy TF2.
Hey you can always play HL:Source DM I guess, although it won't be as pretty as a fully updated multiplayer component.
mortiz said:
Hey you can always play HL:Source DM I guess, although it won't be as pretty as a fully updated multiplayer component.

that is assuming HL:Source will have MP.
im sure u can understand why pple may be skeptical of HL:Source not having its MP after being kept in the dark about HL2's MP for months on end, only to find out it would be CS:Source.
I just thought of something..I don't know if I should or should not be posting it, but whatever.

In the stolen HL2 alpha build there was multiplayer! It was rather unofficial, just type connect to the IP of the person running the map..

I'm not sure if everyonew knew that or not, but it could be something to think about. We'll see...I'm not expecting miracles.
uhm didnt valve support the work of svenco op for hl2,
well why is he saying nope now ?
I just read that HL:S will not have DM if I remember it right. I think it was in the VALVE INFO ONLY thread.

sHm0zY, I've been saying that to myself for a while :p

Well it looks like a HL2 MP mod is something that could be very popular if done right :D
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