This Dog Can Start A Car!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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A breakdown patrol man managed to get a stranded woman's car started by using her dog.

Juliette Piesley, 39, had changed the battery in her electronic key fob but was then unable to start her car, reports the BBC.

When AA patrolman Kevin Gorman arrived at the scene, in Addlestone, Surrey, he found the immobiliser chip was missing.

Ms Piesley said her dog George had eaten something, and realising it was the chip, he put the dog in the front seat and started the car with the key.

Mr Gorman said: "I was glad to get the car started for the member.

"They will now have to take George with them in the car until things take their natural course. It is the first time that I have had to get a dog to help me to start a car."

I have a question: How does this work? Why would this chip just need to be inside the car, rather than attached to the car under the hood.. I don't get it.

If this is possible, though.. It's pretty cool.

Hehe thats pretty silly, nice story though. Top Gear dog has competition, this dog actually does something after all.
my sisters dog put her car in neutrol and it rolled back out of our driveway, across the road, slid down the entire side of our neighbors car and stopped when he hit the corner of their house.
my sisters dog put her car in neutrol and it rolled back out of our driveway, across the road, slid down the entire side of our neighbors car and stopped when he hit the corner of their house.

Dog owes them some money eh?

PS that chip seems pretty retarded. Just be inside the car? hmm.
Immobiliser 'fobs' are like keyrings that you attach to your car keys. The car won't start unless that key fob is present in the car. It stops pikeys from hotwiring cars. I guess this dog throught it smelled like food?
Well hey, this dog can honk a boat horn.

And uh, by dog, I meant... penis. It wasn't a very good analogy. Not without adding a few extra words.