This guy sure had a blast.

Wow... that must have been absolutely horrible. I mean, what goes through your head when you witness an entire city blowing up? What goes through your head when you see it happen to your home days later? God. He probably thought all of Japan was going to be wiped off the map. I can't imagine the paranoia and psychological pain he must have gone through. Not to mention the physical aspect.

**** me. I feel awful for him.
You know that when he saw that second bomb going off, the first thing that crossed his mind was: "oh come on!". This was shortly followed by "fu**in' Americans"
That's why I keep telling you you're too needy McHammer!

Talk about getting some bang for your buck!
I know it doesn't really make sense.
What does certification grant you?

I want to be certified.


Certification qualifies survivors for government compensation — including monthly allowances, free medical checkups and funeral costs — but Yamaguchi's compensation will not increase, Miyamoto said.

Yeah, that sounds sweet.
You know that when he saw that second bomb going off, the first thing that crossed his mind was: "oh come on!". This was shortly followed by "fu**in' Americans"

Followed by: "I think I'll go over in this corner and cry."
I bet you he stopped going to other cities after that!

"I'll stay here... I'll stay here. They're not going to bomb the same place twice."
Good god, he must have taken Rad-X and have the lead belly perk.

I'll say.

/EDIT: Found in the comments:

I'm sick of the morale issue raised about the U.S. dropping the atom bomb! The Japs were working on one also! Do you think they would have hesitated to use it!
The Japs committed so many atrocities during WWII, it pales in comparison to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What about the 500,000 people (men, women, children, babies) they killed in Nanking? Or, the biological weapons and experiments done on living people? What about the documented cases of cannabilism? The Japs were worse than the Nazis!
By the way, are you any more dead if you are killed by a nuclear bomb than by a conventional bomb?

Lastly, they deserved what they got!

I ****ing love the internet. : |
When he reaches higher radiation levels he can regenerate crippled limbs.
when he dies they should pack him in the next nuclear warhead we make