This guy's HARDCORE HL2 lover!

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ancient, and wtf is this in fanfiction for
BravO! Good show I say. Very close attention to detail, and it worked. The corroded keyboard was slick.
nice but wtf is this in fanfiction for?
on the fan fiction rules it says threads that dont contain any fan fiction will be removed.
He's a fan of Half-Life 2, and he made his PC look like HL2. So it's Fan Fiction.
Hip Hip Hoora a beutiful PC but not worthy of Fan Fiction, move it to general discussions
the_rebel_medic said:
Hip Hip Hoora a beutiful PC but not worthy of Fan Fiction, move it to general discussions
And your stupid RPG is worthy? I say this one is definitely worth mentioning in Fan Fiction. If I drew a picture of Half-Life 2, that'd be Fan Fiction. If I made a PC look like Half-Life 2, that'd be Fan Fiction. Sometimes I doubt people view the contents of the thread, rather watching what's wrong and will find the tiniest bit of mistake.
Allow me to refrase that. it is excellent, in comparison to ANY RPG it is excellent (guild wars, WoW and EQ2 ommitent) but it isn't hl2 Fan-Fic none the less, maybe it should go in some new board, modding of PC's for example. but Fan Fiction no. Hell don't delete it by all means, just move it, its kick arse but not FF as such
yea i got pwnd on that one so once again i say that i refrased it
i get pwned alot
unless it happens to be about millitary equip
such as grenades and the likes
Though, this thread CERTAINLY should be in General HL2 Discussion, not Fanfiction, as it's not fiction. The RPG could be in either this or general discussion, both fits, since it IS fiction.
iMMuNiTy said:
If I drew a picture of Half-Life 2, that'd be Fan Fiction.

No, that would be in Art & Design

iMMuNiTy said:
If I made a PC look like Half-Life 2, that'd be Fan Fiction.

No, that would also be Art & Design or maybe Gen Off Topic.

Fan Fiction is for Fan fiction!

That means written words (that are fictional in nature) that are set in or around (or related to) the halflife universe.

That means Short stories, scripts, etc..

And since this was posted several times already (and was front page news once I think.) I will close this thread.
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