This has been pretty boring.


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
VALVe hasn't released one ounce of information for a few weeks. What's up? Are they now going to not talk about HL2 until it's out...

Argh. I want HL2 info :D
I wouldn't be suprised if they do just that it sure has gotten boring round here with just the crappy concept art and stupid media skins


Well okay its probably not going to get like that, but still.
they r releasing hl3 before hl2
I'll bet that they wont.......

Well thats the most boreing sure bet i have ever made!
Originally posted by tCh
they r releasing hl3 before hl2

or they could release them both as a double pack for $100
We'll just have to wait and see. they proibably dont have much to say, or want people to know the extent of what they are doing for good reasons.
Yah, most of us are bored, too. That's how nasty lil' rumors get started ;)
Valve are using that crafty "Don't talk to the people who are going to put food on our table" tactic that always results in lots of sales and doesn't piss people off one bit.

Those cunning devils!
You'd be more pissed off if they said something, only to be wrong again.
Originally posted by Direwolf
You'd be more pissed off if they said something, only to be wrong again.
That's exactly why they haven't said anything.:devil:
Well they are still answering e-mails once in a while but that seems to be about it. I suggest to cure the boredom try playing some other games to get your mind of Half Life 2. I've been playing MP2 and some of the mods that are out for it. Its fun and gets my mind off HL2.
They killed the hype. oh well i guess it will start again nearer to the date of release.
try 1 month...they havent released any info since oct. 13th
There's already a couple of threads about this, stop making new ones.
Maybe they're not saying anything so that people eventually lose hope for Holiday 2003 and won't be so pissed when they announce 2004.

Or I dunno, maybe they all got carpel tunnel syndrome suddenly.
Or MAYBE they're trying to get it ready for a December 24th release date, that would suck, be SOO hard to get ahold of
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Yah, most of us are bored, too. That's how nasty lil' rumors get started ;)

well, it's how a nasty lil' timmy got started!!! thank you, i'll be here all the week! goodnight ladies n' goims!
I've learned to be patient with game developers. After all, they are professional game developers, not fortune-tellers (hence the lousy release dates). And when it comes to Valve, some times you have to be extremely patient. If you would've told me in 1998 that TF2 still wouldn't be out in 2003, I would've laughed in your virtual face (and then wept when I found out you were right). Patience is a virtue, young grasshopper.
the mini freeman clones that will be shipped with the special edition sets aren't maturing fast enough, and Valve are too ashamed that their new game can't copy humans quickly.

Half-Life 2.... a slow news month.
yeah, hopefully there is just nothing happening, or for some reason valve are trying to keep a secret... I expect that the remaining 3 videos should be released shortly... and then... well who knows...
i want new videos. they have a lot of new content since e3, they should release some MP action
Originally posted by Dark Auro
Well they are still answering e-mails once in a while but that seems to be about it. I suggest to cure the boredom try playing some other games to get your mind of Half Life 2. I've been playing MP2 and some of the mods that are out for it. Its fun and gets my mind off HL2.
Hey any good places to get the mods?? Plz friendly. :) :)
Originally posted by Infernal-Shade
I've learned to be patient with game developers. After all, they are professional game developers, not fortune-tellers (hence the lousy release dates). And when it comes to Valve, some times you have to be extremely patient. If you would've told me in 1998 that TF2 still wouldn't be out in 2003, I would've laughed in your virtual face (and then wept when I found out you were right). Patience is a virtue, young grasshopper.
2003 TF2? try 2004 :(

Maybe Valve are upset with us all and have descided to make a information blockage? Yeah... they are blaming the entire HL community... uh...
Originally posted by Dark Auro
Well they are still answering e-mails once in a while but that seems to be about it. I suggest to cure the boredom try playing some other games to get your mind of Half Life 2. I've been playing MP2 and some of the mods that are out for it. Its fun and gets my mind off HL2.

True, I will be buying Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and probably buying some other games... :afro:
yea!!! MK : DD is gonna be ***SWEET***

almost as cool as the mods on this forum


no really, i already pre-ordered that game :) i'm counting on it for endless hours of fun
There's a glut of good Cube games coming out in the next few months.

Which is nice, to pass the time.
I still have to get eternal Darkness. I've already played it twice, but I don't see whats so great about it. Usually I would just not look into a game I think is mediocre...but it has gotten such good reviews, and some reviewers even say its one of the best games they'd ever played.

Plus its only $15.

Mario Kart looks ok, not incredible.

And I bought Symphony of the Night for Playstation one yetserday, thats supposed to be one of th ebest games of all time so I should start that too. But even before that I have to beat Viewtiful Joe and Pikmin and start a new game in Wind Waker and Ico.

Plus Prince of Persia is getting amazing reviews as many games, so much time.
Craig Beattie's mod, "The Gate", has been released. Very original.
Grab it. Another mod getting close to release, and worth keeping an eye on, is Migandi's "Riot in Progress"
You have to remember...Valve has been working really hard on Half-Life 2, until someone stole like 1 3rd of the game's code.
They have to redo everything.

Personally...I don't think the things in the screenshots we've seen will be in the final game
if they had to redo everything the game would come out in 2008. they dont have to redo everything.
well, i just got an e-mail from gabe... at least he's not dead.
Everytimes they opened their mouth to tell something, they made a big mistake.

Announcing HL2 for end september when it was certainly sure for them they couldn't.
Gabe releasing HL2 benchmarks and severly bugging Nvidia without necessity. As they game would be delayed they better wait a little and keep it private until the problems are solved.
Big misunderstanding with Vivendi beeing evident to everybody...

I understand Gabe keeping a low profile and talking about movies and maybe next time about the benchmark of toilet paper in Valve restrooms.
Originally posted by flycrusher
Gabe releasing HL2 benchmarks and severly bugging Nvidia without necessity. As they game would be delayed they better wait a little and keep it private until the problems are solved.

I don't think you understand what the problem with Nvidia cards is. It wouldn't have been solved by delaying the game. Maybe new cards would've come out with better DX9 support, but that's not happening so far.
Originally posted by SubKamran
VALVe hasn't released one ounce of information for a few weeks. What's up? Are they now going to not talk about HL2 until it's out...

Argh. I want HL2 info :D

move on, people.... thats y ihavent been here in so long. play something else.
Originally posted by alco
I don't think you understand what the problem with Nvidia cards is. It wouldn't have been solved by delaying the game. Maybe new cards would've come out with better DX9 support, but that's not happening so far.
You are right, alco. :)