This is gettin crazy!!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
it would really be sad if hl2 was released in 2005. i mean i know it'll be a great game, but jesus in 2005 we will have games that have pixar level gfx(fear/tes;4)....and hl2 is reallly 2002-2003 level gfx. Not that gfx matter the most..but its almost embarrasing.
FEAR and tes;4 (not that I know what tes;4 is) are no where near PIXAR level graphics.
To me HL2 looks better then any game I've played. Definitly better then Doom3, with its two tone enviroments. And probably better then FarCry, which did have awsome, spacious, lush enviroments. But while FarCry water was great, water has definitly never looked better then in Half-Life 2.

And it will still be awesome in 2005. It will just be that much less ahead of its time.
ok i was exaggerating, but TES:4 and FEAR have insanely EXTREMELY better gfx than half-life2.
Ohh.. The Elder Scrolls, duh! /me smacks head

Sometimes, acronyms evade my brain :)

Anyway.. the only thing that's meh about HL2 is the world geometry.. if you ask me, anyway.
yeah HL2 graphics are definetly 03-04 material.. it doesnt stand up to Far Cry and Doom 3 graphics. I was watching a recent bink and even the physics arent to special anymore...Thank you valve.
If Painkiller had good game play, it could have been a contender. The environments were very well rendered, but it was awful and easy to beat the game. It was also predictable.
Far cry was excellent, but my comp could not do the game justice. Same for DOOM3. I need a new comp to play these games like HL2, Stalker, and FEAR.
Any talk about how HL2 plays is pure speculation. Period.
KidRock said:
yeah HL2 graphics are definetly 03-04 material.. it doesnt stand up to Far Cry and Doom 3 graphics. I was watching a recent bink and even the physics arent to special anymore...Thank you valve.

...FC's physics are okay. But D3's physics are absolute crap. Ever mess around in the box stack map? You'll see what I mean..

You can push the boxes in like this:


And so forth.. and they don't tip over or fall off or anything. It's sad :(

HL2, atleast, everything is properly weighted and simulated. Everything in FC was way way WAY too heavy (IMO), and D3's physics were just an afterthought.
Well the gameplay from the binks looks more fun than far cry, doom3 and painkiller. know? Or does it?

Someday i'll wake up and tell myself "Why am i looking forward to half-life 2? " then i'll tell myself " i don't tell me?" ....then i'll say to myself "huh?"

<sarcasm> so how HL2 dont hav models whit polygons thats mean that HL2 sucks? <sarcasm>
I thought DOOM3 was a perfect comeback for a classic game. It was true to the game, only better graphics.
Bink videos are bink videos. How HL2 plays and looks and captures the storyline remains to be seen. Comparing DOOM3 and HL2 is not fair. They are two different games.
If HL2 gets introduced in 2005, I wonder if ATI will still back it up.

"ATI’s RADEON and Half-Life 2 – the perfect match"

Err... Yes, the perfect match with the 9800XT... introduced in 2003.
yes hl2 still will probably be a great game and it STILL has good gfx. but man oblivion and fear gfx make it look like pong. shulda been out 03' sept.

sept 30th we will never forget.
Well hopefully it gets bad reviews in mags, then we can all stop looking forward to it!!

KidRock said:
yeah HL2 graphics are definetly 03-04 material.. it doesnt stand up to Far Cry and Doom 3 graphics. I was watching a recent bink and even the physics arent to special anymore...Thank you valve.

Just wait until you read the reviews, and then smack yourself on the head because of your stupidity.
Subz said:
yes hl2 still will probably be a great game and it STILL has good gfx. but man oblivion and fear gfx make it look like pong. shulda been out 03' sept.

sept 30th we will never forget.

Oh yes we will, I bet you :)

My view: hl2 is gonna rock so much, it's gonna shake the gaming scene.

And, as pc gamer UK said: It's even BETTER then they expected.
Well according to everyone whose play-tested the game, the game does still hold its ground in terms of graphics. I'm not expecting the graphics to be the best in the world, but i'm just saying, no one here has PLAYED the game.

Remember, barely anyone here was looking forward to Far Cry when it came out, and then it took alot of us by surprise.
While I personally think Far Cry and Doom 3 are more graphically impressive than what we've seen so far, I still say Half-Life 2 looks incredible. The flaws are just a little bit more self-evident nowadays. It was the same with the original Half-Life; it was competing with graphically superior games such as Unreal, yet people were still convinced it was one of the best looking games around at the time.
I think the textures in Hl2 are the best i've seen in a video game so far. The only game i can compare it to is Far Cry textures which were good for the enviroment.

I dunno i'll be able to informativly compare all 3 games once i play through hl2 :-p... I really like the water in hl2 from what i've seen so far though

Doom 3 has awesome graphics but sucks in the gameplay (Replayability), and overall scenery of the game. It's basically space station with random machines that look like their just there for looks, and hell, then space station, game over. Thats it. The story was so-so and pretty good for a video game although its been done in the movies to death. But playing it through the first time was kind of enjoyable listening to pdas and stuff till you had to look for the codes in them *sigh*... also it really started getting horrdenisly predictable. Its one of those games where once you beat it you done playing it to the bitter end. I don't see myself playing doom 3 over again for a long time (maybe once i get a better computer when i can max everything out i'll play it again). Sugar-Coated "physics", nothing to really gawk over.

Far Cry has lots of locatons that all look pretty damn good. Pretty good water, awesome sky, pretty hard but got kind of dumb with the "trained" trigens. Fighting them was just painful after a while and really wore down the rest of the game. Also a 8th grader could write a less clich'ed story line (and main character surfer dude\captain\village idiot. Pretty mundane physics... i mean how many times do they expect us to see a barrel fall over when you shoot it and freak out going "omg l33t game h4x!!!!!!!"

So far Half-Life 2 is looking pretty good gameplay wise and pretty good lookin' at the same time. Guess no1 will really see how well they've pulled it off till we have it on our comptuers :-P
i personally i couldnt give a flying **** about the graphics. i dont care if the graphics were like HL1, i just wanna find out what happens next. its the story im bothered about not the physics or the water.

as u can tell i play cs, where there are far better games in terms of graphics but the gameplay still rules all :p
I'm with Fez. Who cares about the graphics? With Half LIfe 2, we expect 100% gameplay.

Half Life was built on technology from 1996, yet we all still loved it (despite Quake 2 and Unreal looking better in the GFX department). We all loved the 'realistic' environments that came with Half Life. The same is going to be said for Half Life 2 - the enviroments and the playability will far outweigh the graphics - although the character animations of the main characters should be nothing short of breathtaking.
Heh those who are saying HL2 isnt gonna live up to the hype are the ones that are stupid.
Kouler said:
Heh those who are saying HL2 isnt gonna live up to the hype are the ones that are stupid.

Maybe. And at least according to PC Gamer, the game is more than they expected
i dunno if it was the same with u guys but when you saw screens and videos of Doom 3 graphics they were pretty good, but when you saw them work in motion and u were actually playing they felt 1000 times better and more natural

well prob have the same in HL2, from the binks we think 'yeh pretty good' but when we see it in action we will all be blown away
i've said this before in another thread but;

I think hl2's graphics will blow us away for the simple reason that it depicts real life...realistically. In far cry there were huts, when was the last time you saw a hut like that? in doom3 it was set in a research facility on mars for crying out loud, when was the last time you saw one of those?! but hl2 (alteast for me in uk) relates to the architecture i see around me, the street signs i have and the atmosphere of surrounding me. I can relate to hl2, making for a pretty darn badass game dontcha think? :D
Ballsaccio said:
I thought DOOM3 was a perfect comeback for a classic game. It was true to the game, only better graphics.
Bink videos are bink videos. How HL2 plays and looks and captures the storyline remains to be seen. Comparing DOOM3 and HL2 is not fair. They are two different games.

I agree with you 100%.
aeroripper said:
I think the textures in Hl2 are the best i've seen in a video game so far. The only game i can compare it to is Far Cry textures which were good for the enviroment.

I dunno i'll be able to informativly compare all 3 games once i play through hl2 :-p... I really like the water in hl2 from what i've seen so far though

Doom 3 has awesome graphics but sucks in the gameplay (Replayability), and overall scenery of the game. It's basically space station with random machines that look like their just there for looks, and hell, then space station, game over. Thats it. The story was so-so and pretty good for a video game although its been done in the movies to death. But playing it through the first time was kind of enjoyable listening to pdas and stuff till you had to look for the codes in them *sigh*... also it really started getting horrdenisly predictable. Its one of those games where once you beat it you done playing it to the bitter end. I don't see myself playing doom 3 over again for a long time (maybe once i get a better computer when i can max everything out i'll play it again). Sugar-Coated "physics", nothing to really gawk over.

Far Cry has lots of locatons that all look pretty damn good. Pretty good water, awesome sky, pretty hard but got kind of dumb with the "trained" trigens. Fighting them was just painful after a while and really wore down the rest of the game. Also a 8th grader could write a less clich'ed story line (and main character surfer dude\captain\village idiot. Pretty mundane physics... i mean how many times do they expect us to see a barrel fall over when you shoot it and freak out going "omg l33t game h4x!!!!!!!"

So far Half-Life 2 is looking pretty good gameplay wise and pretty good lookin' at the same time. Guess no1 will really see how well they've pulled it off till we have it on our comptuers :-P

halflife2 doesnt have such nice textures they are pretty low res :/

i think game with the best textures is ut2003/04
Xcellere said:
What a stupid thread.

Nice, it's a good thing that you're making it better.

Anyways, uh, I just wanted to say that I don't think that the graphics in STALKER are that amazing. I've seen only screenshtos though, so I really shouldn't say anything. But so far STALKER hasn't affected me in any way (except maybe the massive area)

Oh, and talking about good looking textures, Max Payne 2 anyone?
I hope on January 1st we're not all saying "2004 has come and gone, and HL2 has not even come yet"

I want it......Surely they won't waste the Holiday Shopping Season...will they?
seems like some of you guys posting havn't seen fear or oblivion. they make doom3 and farcry and stalker look like junk.

hl2 simply doesn't compete. thats my point.
I just hope its released this year or itsgoing to become old news... lol :D
i doubt seriously it will be delayed so long when they have released 95% of the game already...why would they have released the 4th phase if it was a problem?
i think you all are jumping the gun. how many have 6800's or x800's?
i have a 9800xt, and the CS:S beta still slows at some points when i have the settings on high. the graphics may not be the freshest thing, and the hardware isn't either, but we are at the point that decent hardware to play the game (i'm talking video cards, of course) are mostly under $300. To me, when you look at the HL2 target audience, making a game so graphically beautiful that only the top cards can play it would be alienating the rest of your customers that can't. Remember that valve are catering to an audience that goes as far back as make a game that looks good even at those levels, as well as @ DX9 levels, is no easy task.

Oh, i guess you want it so that every time a game comes out, you gotta buy new hardware to play it, becasue your system became outdated in 2 months. Then complain all ya want.
Oh no! Half-Life 2 doesn't have top-of-the-line uber amazing graphics!

(Even though you've really done nothing to me)

Some of you people should just go choke on some... Never mind. You're not worth being warned for flaming.
fez said:
i personally i couldnt give a flying **** about the graphics. i dont care if the graphics were like HL1, i just wanna find out what happens next. its the story im bothered about not the physics or the water.

as u can tell i play cs, where there are far better games in terms of graphics but the gameplay still rules all :p

You know, if they release hl2 with the same graphics as hl1 but with equally good gameplay and everything else, I would still buy it for 50 bucks.