This is hilarious

:laugh: these guys are such freaks. They should all be burned.

Church of Euthanasia said:
The Church of Euthanasia was inspired by a dream, in which Rev. Chris Korda confronted an alien intelligence known as The Being who speaks for the inhabitants of Earth in other dimensions. The Being warned that our planet's ecosystem is failing, and that our leaders deny this. The Being asked why our leaders lie to us, and why so many of us believe these lies. Rev. Korda awoke from the dream moaning the Church's infamous slogan, Save the Planet - Kill Yourself.

See, mental! :laugh:

EDIT: Even better!

Church of Euthanasia said:
We are not of this planet.
We do not understand
Your strange customs.
Your planet's ecosystem
Is failing.
Your leaders deny this.

Your leaders deny this.
Your leaders deny this.
Your leaders deny this.
Your leaders deny this.

Do your leaders lie to you?
Do so many of you believe these lies?
Your strange customs.
Believe these lies?

Save the planet.
Kill yourself.
Save the planet!
Kill yourself.
**** off with the phony religion stuff, let's stick to the human extinction movement.

I agree with them.

Think about it:
Look at Africa, complete hellhole. All these pictures of starving kids. Well, simple fix to the problem. STOP HAVING KIDS. The kids grow up, die, and suddenly you've solved the Africa problem. It's the only solution guaran-damn-teed to work. No matter what.
What's more heartless: keeping people from reproducing, or forcing another generation to go through the same crap their parents did?

We all have to die eventually, why do we need to drag more people down with us.

“If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation, as to spare it the burden of existence? Or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood.”

~Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
Sufferings of the World 1851
Damn straight.

Kids never asked to be born, it's a selfish ambition on the part of the parents. Don't give me the "they spend 18 years of their life raising you", shut the hell up. That's what you get for not using a condom.
Yeah, I can really see people like you and these wierdos actually accomplashing something. :hmph:

Alright, asshat, do you want to discuss this or do you want to be a chimp flinging your own shit at something you don't understand?
All Africans do is have babies. The plan will never work.
Alright, asshat, do you want to discuss this or do you want to be a chimp flinging your own shit at something you don't understand?

Friendly guy aren't you? Anyway, please do offer me a good reason to wipe out the human race. None of that crap from Africa, we don't need to stop their reproduction, way to extreme (though that is part of the problem there) we can sort it out in other ways, albiet slowly (but better than nothing). Even leaving Africa out of the picture for what reason would you want to exterminate the human race?

Link is broke D:
Alright, asshat, do you want to discuss this or do you want to be a chimp flinging your own shit at something you don't understand?

What is wrong with you? If you agree with them, kill yourself so you dont accidentally impregnate someone, spawning more anti-societal bullshit
Anyway, please do offer me a good reason to wipe out the human race.
I don't necessarily agree that we need to completely eliminate the human race, but the world is overpopulated (AND THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SPACE, IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH RESOURCES), and all we ever do is **** up the planet.
ne of that crap from Africa, we don't need to stop their reproduction, way to extreme (though that is part of the problem there) we can sort it out in other ways, albiet slowly (but better than nothing).
Way too extreme? Again, answer me this, what is more cruel:
A. Allowing the cycle to continue, allowing more and more generations to suffer and die in horrible conditions, OR
B. End it all in 50 years or less.

This planet cannot support us forever, and we're destroying the resources we need to survive every day. Let's make the die off gradual, instead of sudden. It's an inevitability anyway.
What is wrong with you? If you agree with them, kill yourself so you dont accidentally impregnate someone, spawning more anti-societal bullshit
Accidentally impregnate? That takes skill.

There's no reason to kill myself, I'll die eventually. But god no I'm never procreating. I don't want to have to put up with brats for 20 years.
I don't see anything wrong with trying to tone down the baby making. That wont fix everything but it's a start...
I bet alot of you are contributing to this movement and not by choice (you bunch of virgins).

Well, that thing with Africa, it would be easier if they just stopped breeding, but I just don't think we can stop them, nor do I think its moral, even if it would stop suffering, after all, we all have a desire to breed (even though some of us choose not to). Besides, we have all sorts of renewable energy sources right now anyway, if people acutally switched to them. Perhaps we should limit people to one baby like in China?

EDIT: And besides, we'll proboaly get wiped out before we can do anything about it anyway...thats the only thing that gets me...after we're gone, what if some animal gets intelligence and needs resources? They won't find much D:
I don't necessarily agree that we need to completely eliminate the human race, but the world is overpopulated (AND THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SPACE, IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH RESOURCES), and all we ever do is **** up the planet.

Way too extreme? Again, answer me this, what is more cruel:
A. Allowing the cycle to continue, allowing more and more generations to suffer and die in horrible conditions, OR
B. End it all in 50 years or less.

This planet cannot support us forever, and we're destroying the resources we need to survive every day. Let's make the die off gradual, instead of sudden. It's an inevitability anyway.

Accidentally impregnate? That takes skill.

There's no reason to kill myself, I'll die eventually. But god no I'm never procreating. I don't want to have to put up with brats for 20 years.

Damnit, I was going to say 'if you really believe in this, don't have kids'.

Incredible foresight!
we all have a desire to breed (even though some of us choose not to).
We have a desire to have sex, not to breed. Breeding is the end result of having sex. As the website says, it's the same as saying we have a desire to defecate, as opposed to having a desire to eat.
Perhaps we should limit people to one baby like in China?
Certainly a better solution than what we have now.
I completely agree with MiccyNarc, there are just too much people wasting space, resources, money etc. I'm not saying we should kill ourselves, but a good decrease in human population might be better for ourselves and for the planet. There is just too much racism, hate, terrorism, crime, pollution, pointless waste of tax payer's money, and waste of resources. If we had the perfect society with the right amount of intelligent people, we could live in prosperity.
But then again - would there be enough people to do the cheap and hard manufacturing?

-Adolf Hitler
I completely agree with MiccyNarc, there are just too much people wasting space, resources, money etc. I'm not saying we should kill ourselves, but a good decrease in human population might be better for ourselves and for the planet. There is just too much racism, hate, terrorism, crime, pollution, pointless waste of tax payer's money, and waste of resources. If we had the perfect society with the right amount of intelligent people, we could live in prosperity.
But then again - would there be enough people to do the cheap and hard manufacturing?

-Adolf Hitler

Rasicm, hate, crime and terroism would happen regardless. If fact, for the latter it would be easier.