This is how easy it is for a web page to gather info from your computer.


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score

:/ without asking you, urm... atleast valve respect our rites :) right?

every time you change a setting and refresh the page it picks up the changes straight away, I can imagine this is simple stuff. God knows what goes on behind the scenes on some web site's.
None of that information is usefull
To anyone who wants to do bad stuff
What there wouldnt you want ppl to know...?
Oh noes! Someone knows what day my clock says >_>
clarky003 said:


every time you change a setting and refresh the page it picks up the changes straight away, I can imagine this is simple stuff. God knows what goes on behind the scenes on some site's.
all this is extremely easy to get from people visiting a website. none of it is of any importance. unless my "other" operating system is some kind of security threat to me.

my ip?
my host? localhost

doesnt concern me too much ;)
Your ip isnt
Da lies!
I set my router ip
to that once.
It stopped working :-/
well if valve wanted to find out what resolutions we had they could clock us when we visited their site, I guess I posted it as an example, showing the two wayness of it all, and how it can be used to read off your machine, for basic purposes or otherwise.
Nothing to be worried about. If the website could tell what you ate for breakfast, then and only then you should worry. :)
my worry is if it can see my CPU, what else could it be programmed to see...? my Porn?, my whole hardrive, what if I had important documentation stored. :O it could be used to locate me by seeing my IP, or even a viewed document with my name and address on. lol, paranoia central.
They cant read saved documents
I've tried.
All the stuff they did
Was simple javascript or php
Ikerous said:
They cant read saved documents
I've tried.
All the stuff they did
Was simple javascript or php

im not talking about that, thats just a basic 'awareness' example. Im saying if they can do basic stuff like on that site, who knows what else.
All this information is worthless. It's simple JavaScript that grabs a few unimportant bits of information about your system.

Current Date and Time: September 23, 2004
Your Operating System is: other
You are currently using: Netscape 5 Beta
The Application code of your browser is: Mozilla 5.0
The language of your browser as defined by your computer: en-US
You just arrived at this page from the URL: ( )
Your Javascript Version: 1.3
Java Enabled: Yes
Host: localhost
Current Resolution: 1280x1024
Max Resolution: 1280x1024
Color Depth: 32bit
Number of Colors: 42949672
Anti-aliasing fonts: No

Wow! Afterall, I'm using Netscape 5.0 beta on my provider, localhost, on the IP address all the while it pulls the time off their server and checks what page I came from? WE'RE DOOMED
clarky003 said:
who knows what else.
nothing. websites cant manipulate, view, or otherwise change information on your computer, UNLESS you download a program, bad activex, etc. it would be YOUR fault if someone got "real" info off of your computer.
clarky003 said:
im not talking about that, thats just a basic 'awareness' example. Im saying if they can do basic stuff like on that site, who knows what else.

This isnt new... it was programmed in purposely
It cant be used to any harm
Believe me, they cant do anything bad
Unless of course you give em permission

To be honest though
All that were saying about safety
Isnt entirely true.
I've gotten IE to download EXE files
Without any warning before.
I used flash cookies to do it
It updated though
And doesnt work anymore.
Current Resolution: 1400x1050
Max Resolution: 1400x1020

im talking about the human right to privacey, arnt there special programs now for clearing hidden cookies that are deposited when you visit certain shopping site's and so forth, I heard they use the cookie's / whatever to watch your internet viewing habbit's so it records your intrest's and gives them info for consumeristic research.
Lol, their max res script sucks
What losers

They arent viewing any perosnal info...
They just know your monitor settings
And your browser
Most of which is important
If you program javascript
lol, okay so the content's of our computer's stay totally hidden unless we decide to do something stupid that allows people in to see. *whipes sweat off forhead*
lol yeah, got the wrong OS, wrong country, wrong internet program thing, said my resolution was 1280 x 1024 but then said my max was 1280 x 940. the only way it could worry me is if it told me what i was wearing.
Wow...that IP locator thing is pretty good.Even tho it missed my house by about 15 miles... :rolleyes:
Ikerous said:
None of that information is usefull
To anyone who wants to do bad stuff
What there wouldnt you want ppl to know...?
Oh noes! Someone knows what day my clock says >_>

Indeed, not very useful.

On mine, two of them are wrong.
doesn't work.
it list my operating system as other. It's Windows XP
Says I'm using Netscape 5. I'm using Firefox
says my max res is 1280x929 (???) It's 1280x1024
says I'm not using anti-aliased fonts, I am
it also has my IP addy wrong.
It's says my operating system is 'other' although I've acutally upgraded to OtherXP. It also says I don't have anti aliased fonts which is plain wrong.
Heh, some stuff google does is far more creepy than this simple javascript stuff. Like record all your search terms (on their servers) using a unique id saved in a cookie. It starts getting interesting when you also have gmail, and google can link search terms to email addies. I'll stop the tinfoil hat talk now:p, but I for one have set firefox to refuse google's cookies.