this is insane...INSANE!


Aug 6, 2004
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BABIES with a severe form of epilepsy risk having their diagnosis delayed and their treatment compromised because of a company's patent on a key gene.

It is the first evidence that private intellectual property rights over human DNA are adversely affecting medical care. can you patent a gene???
i'm more worried because this is just the beginning...i don't like to think how ****ed up the future might be.

Genetic Technologies caused an uproar last month when it threatened to sue hospitals that test for breast cancer genes.It is reviewing that position.

:eek: jesus!
Read Next, a book by Michael Crichton, if you're interested about how far they can go.
seriously...genetic research scares the hell out of me, especially when the private sector is involved.

again...i'm not saying corporations are evil by default, it's just they don't give a **** about you (unless you are rich of course) that's why all this crap is happening IMO.
but ok it's a complicated issue in general.

i might get that book...seems interesting
I remember a story a while back where this guy was supposedly immune to AIDS, so companies tried to patent his DNA. But that was a loophole that allows slavery; when they own his DNA, they own him.

I'm not too sure what happened afterwards, but yes, patents on genes and organisms is a scary thought. And I'm sure the companies understood what would happen if they did the patents.

The scale of some people's greed...
Well if they were actual helpful humanitarians, it wouldn't be interesting right?
That's ****ed up Australia. Even the USA (well.... Clinton) had the sense to make genes unpatentable.

Oh this reminds me, Craig Ventner is a cockmonkey.

Edit: lol looks like the US went down retardo-road too since the HGP -.-
They own its copyrights. (How that works with genes I guess its just information rights)

Copyright of what? The genes? Their patients? Dont know much about biology, could someone explain better? Pretend im Sarah Palin
Copyright of what? The genes? Their patients? Dont know much about biology, could someone explain better? Pretend im Sarah Palin

i see it as kinda discovering water and claiming you only have the right to water.